Tuesday 14 July 2009

BrainVomit - Studland Beach and Broken Poles!

I'm not in the mood to sit and write to be honest. I'm really restless. Maybe because I need to sit and just write but who knows?! I certainly don't right about now. Oh well. So where were we? Well last time I wrote it was a Friday night and I was going to get some rest ready for the Saturday ahead. And that Saturday...well...what a night!

We started as usual in the pub around 9pm. I got there half an hour earlier to see who was about, turned out a few people were there so I sat about, chatted a little, and waited for the crew to turn up. Dan arrived at about half past 9 or thereabouts and Zac wasn't far behind. Marcus had been there all along so we were ready to roll!

We headed straight out to Poole and on to the ferry for Studland. When we got there Zac wanted to find a proper campsite this week so he drove us around towards Swanage looking for one. My thoughts were confirmed when we arrived at one and found it was well and truly closed - I did doubt anywhere would be accepting new guests that late at night! Still, we got out and stretched our legs, did a quick bit of film of Marcus and Dan doing a pretty damned awesome Jay and Silent Bob and got back in to move on.

We ended up just driving back down to Studland beach. The signs said no overnight parking and no camping, but seeing as there was a campervan parked up there with people in we decided to ignore all that and parked up right behind before going to scout out the beach. It was empty, though the paths down there looked creepy in the dark, especially seeing a little kid's swimming costume hanging ominously on a fence. Rather than leaving people behind this time we all headed back to the car to grab the gear. It had been raining, and though it was a dry spell we were fairly sure it would again so got the tents ready to go.

We wandered down towards the dunes and found a nice spot slightly tucked away so we'd get a little shelter from the wind but still with a good view along the coast. Zac and Marcus got to work right away setting up their tent, Dan and I were having a laugh first so when we were halfway pitched the rain had already started up again. We put the 2 tents door to door, and seeing as our porch pole was broken we tied it across to join the 2 in the middle. The wind was pretty gusty and the rain did start to come down quite hard so we bundled inside, Zac in one tent with Marcus halfway in the doorway, Dan and I having the other tent to ourselves.

We got comfy, or as comfy as possible, and sat for a while talking and drinking Mickey Finns, a strong flavoured spirit like sour apple shots. Rather tasty if a little strong! After a while of talking together, Dan and I closed the door for some alone time. Well I had said that morning we got together that taking it slow was fine but well it had been a while and it just felt right all night so we ended up in a fairly nice situation in the tent until it was realised neither of us were prepared.

Now here, dear reader, is a tale of woe to never ever ever be seen outside the comforting walls of this blog. I know it's rather public to post here but you know I am always honest and I don't think I can really leave this one out as it's a part of the epic weekend that we will never forget.

Basically, we were unprepared as we hadn't planned to get to that stage that night, but you know things happen how they happen for a reason and it felt right. Dan knew Zac kept some in his car, and after a lot of back and forth between us and despite my last second protest he shouted across asking if he could borrow the car keys. When the others realised why Marcus started giggling and Zac was declining to relinquish the keys. Dan was already dressed again and ready to brave the cold, wind and rain just to go there and get it, which is dedication right there, but Zac really wasn't giving up his keys that easy. Eventually though he agreed to go himself. By this time I was so redfaced with shame I had to have a few more drinks to take the edge off the sober embarassment while Marcus giggled from the other side of the tent door.

You know it's not so bad doing something when other people are nearby if they don't know what's going on, even though you know they probably have figured it out you don't know that for sure so it's comforting. It's a very different matter when they know exactly what's going on and you know they know, and they've even got involved in making it happen. Oh dear... Well, without going in to detail I will just tell you dear reader that it was very much worth it. And after we talked, then got so tired that for once we actually fell asleep. Apparently Marcus was awake all night for the first time ever, so I feel kinda bad that we didn't talk to him more after Zac went to sleep but it was such a moment just between us that it felt like there was nobody else in the world that mattered.

So morning rolls on in and at 7am we're awake and stepping out in to the sunshine. The wind and rain had knocked bits of our tent over in the night and we'd put it back up again, from the inside, but as a consequence one of my shoes had been knoced out of the cover and was soaking with rain. Oh dear. We set about packing away the tents and were done fairly quickly, then decided to stay a short while on the beach in the morning sun.

I made a bit of a monument to our crew in the sand while the boys inspected the wildlife - Zac had gone to scout the dunes and seen a family of deer, so Dan and Marcus went off in search of more with my camera. They came back and were I think marginally impressed. To be fair they had started to help just before they left to go film so I can't take all the credit, just most of it apart from the I!

We walked a bit down the beach with my camera on self timer and the teeny tripod to get some group photos. My shoelessness really failed when I found the little plants were intensely spikey! Still we got some nice shots, and Dan took some of our shadows, one of which was just such a Breakfast Club moment it makes me smile to look at it now because that's how we felt - young, free, alive, and together just the little group of us who didn't know each other a month ago but now firm friends going out together every weekend.

The weekend didn't end when we left the beach, we filmed a little of the ferry crossing back to Poole and went to my place. The guys all had coffee and waffles while I made myself a small breakfast of toast and a cup of tea. Smashing. I put on the PS3 with the intention of listening to music or something but we ended up looking at all the pics and vids of DHIBBS so far. I got changed and we were all comfy so decided to stick around for a bit. I regretted this when Dan discovered PlayStation Home.

Now, those of you already familiar with PSHome know female avatars get a lot of unwanted male attention. Dan discovered how to dance and the madness began. I kept hold of my keyboard for dear life frantically typing that someone else had control of my avatar, but eventually I lost that too and watched in agony as my avatar started chatting up some random frenchman in the InFamous area. When he was done with that one I thought, great, we can go now....but then he found someone else who was then starting to give him bits of postcode! At this point the guys realised it was getting more creepy than funny and ran away, but were followed. Thankfully we decided to quit out and head on our next journey, but I do have 3 ominous friend requests on my PSN account....

So anyway back to the story. The plan was to head on to Salisbury where I knew a few of my mates might be. We didn't meet up with them in the end because I had no credit to contact, but it was still a nice day to be in the town and we had a good look around a few shops. I had to be dragged kicking and screaming (almost literally) from Game and GameStation but then we had to endure an absolute age in Next while Zac was shopping for clothes. Yawnfest. The only thing that made it amusing was Marcus's gay side coming out in force! He tried on sunglasses and kept on accidentally making very camp gestures and phrases. Bless. He's bi but he has now changed his facebook to interested in men so we can only assume he doesn't care for boob any more.

After that we eventually mished back to Blandford where we collected vehicles and went back to Dan's. Zac went home but Marcus stayed with us, and Dan's mum kindly offered us all dinner which we gratefully accepted. So we watched Metalocalypse while Dan fell asleep (I also missed an episode, I was awake, then I was awake again and there's a bit missing in between), we had some munchies, and we went to the pub.

The pub was...empty, then a few people turned up, and left again, and Zac turned up as well, and more people came and went. Eventually for some reason we ended up following Zac to some house party 20mins walk away that April was at. We got there, she was drunk, I knew nobody, Dan knew a few people and Marcus knew nobody either and seemed just as awkward and uncomfortable as me. After a short while I gently encouraged that we should leave, so we made our way out with Ed who had come from the pub with us and headed right back to the pub with the idea of a quick drink before closing then mishing on home. Pub was closed though already, so we went on to the next one and found that was closed too. Eventually it was decided to part ways with Ed and go back to Dan's where Marcus swiftly departed too.

I stayed overnight and it was a lovely night. I mean really nice. It's a night I won't be forgetting, ever. I had to be up early Monday to get to the jobcentre though and that was a bitch. I did not want to get up, at all! Dan didn't want me to either, he didn't have to work til late so I don't blame him. I left at about 8, leaving me an hour to do a 30min trip and change and pick up my paperwork. Well there was a traffic jam, for about 15miles. If I hadn't had 2 wheels to be able to drive right past it I would have been stuck until well after midday! I arrived late to the jobcentre at 9.30am and without the booklet. They weren't impressed but it wasn't my fault so I think they let me off this time. Must not repeat!

After that was done I went home for a while then drove out again to Gillingham to pack everything from the room and move out. It only took a couple of hours and it was all ready to go just when Dad turned up. We loaded the car and went back after a brief farewell to my landlady. We were talking in the kitchen for a short while together, and she really mentioned how it seeme like since I'd been there my entire life had been transformed and me with it.

I think she was right, you know, when I moved in I was in full time work in a job I didn't like, had just got out of a relationship that had gone more than a bit sour, and was barely going out. Since then I'd lost the job, changed my life plan to go to Uni and do something worthwhile, been out and about meeting more people and making more friends and just got together with a new boyfriend. I've changed as a person in that time, and I think it's all for the better. I just need the last pieces of the puzzle to fall in to place and my life will be complete.

~~~~~~~~Thought of the Day~~~~~~~~

Sometimes life throws you into the sea in a storm, but if you swim through the lightning and the waves you'll land in paradise.

Jenivere Out.

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