Thursday 16 July 2009

BrainVomit - Booze Glorious Booze and Ready for the Day

Ok, I admit. Last night I might have got a little bit overly stressed, and may have lashed out a fair bit, but to be fair I stopped replying until another reply was sent unprovoked by somebody who couldn't let it drop. That's why I blame them for winding me up, that and they seem to be picking exactly the things to say that would piss me off to make me look angry and foolish. Well ok, I was both, but in the end, after time and cooling off, did I not apologise? I believe I did. And it was ignored. The very same ego I mentioned before shows itself once again by not acknowledging any fault even when blame was shared evenly with an honest apology and wish to stop the bad feelings. Even ground, it's not like one party being entirely at fault, it takes 2 to tango. So you know what? Whatever. Until you can grow up and accept a little responsibility for your own actions and words, and the way they can make other people feel, which really seems beyond you given past happenings as well, you can just carry on and I'll leave you to it. Rant over.

So anyway, last night I was a bit frustrated over various things, with other things adding in to the mix. I found that the very best idea I had all night was to just grab myself a lukewarm pint of Magners (none had been put in the fridge yet, fail) and chill the fuck out with some music. I spoke to a very good and trusted friend briefly too which helped, bless her she's an absolute saint and always listens and understands, I hope she knows I am here if ever she needs the same, or anything really I'm just here.

Today...right now...what the frick am I doing? Well I'm sat on my bed writing a blog and doing facebook quizzes. What should I be doing? Finishing unpacking, making a video of DHIBBS and having a bath ready to go out later. Well, we can't have it all, can we.

You know for the first time, like, ever, I'm at a dilemma for what to wear today - jeans and tshirt or skirt and tshirt? Normally the choice isn't hard, but somehow it's different when you want to look your best for someone. I could go off the wall and wear something feminine, or actually nice, but I don't want to give anyone a heart attack from the shock. Seeing as I've put on half a stone in the last 2 weeks (my weight goes up and down so much I can't keep track of it) I think the tie-up shirts are out of the question....could get away with skirt and tshirt...think that'll do. Now which tshirt....hmmm.... Duck Hunt tshirt and red skirt, Doc Martens and possibly fishnets and a nicer top under the tshirt if I feel brave. Bingo. And that took, what, 2minutes? 120seconds? How does it take some people so long to get ready?! Bath later, hair in bun with red headband and the infamous hat which should now be clean from the bird incident. Sorted.

I should stop writing at the speed I think and just get on with it, one last load of washing and a bit of tidying and this room will be a palace of awesome. Pics and or video when I'm done.

~~~~~~~Thought of the Day~~~~~~~

Life changes when someone else walks in to it, suddenly all these little things you think of alone you want to share with that one who shares your mind.

Jenivere Out.

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