Wednesday 15 July 2009

BrainVomit - Call of Duty Madness Warfare and an Untimely Headache

I love Call of Duty 4. You could even say I'm obsessed with it. So tonight, my one evening in this week where I have free time to play, I tried to organise a bit of a game between buddies. I go on a little early to make sure my new headset works, and get invited straight in to a game hosted by someone else. Awesome, sure. But then there's a few things I notice very quickly.

Firstly, they made team games when the numbers were uneven - not something that usually works well because it's unfair to the team with less players. And secondly, well, let's put it this way when I host sometimes I set different rules to make it a bit more interesting and stop it being just the same old same old. Every time I do, I clearly ask anyone if they have preferences, nobody ever says "don't do this" or "how about that", but they nearly always complain when we start the match. BUT then when someone else is hosting and makes up ridiculous rules suddenly it's the best thing ever and everyone's going batshit about how awesome it is.

13 people on a free for all on shipment, old school rules and headshots only, with the added rule of jumping constantly? If I'd suggested that it'd be mutiny! It was fairly fun though, apart from the constant fucking airstrikes did my head in after a while and someone thought it would be a great idea to set the score limit high and no goddamn timer. Good going, genius, that could have ended a lot sooner than it did. 20minutes of any one match is too long! 15 is a good maximum though the 10min standard is all you need for a good fair game, not too long and enough time to get a good round in.

And then afterwards it was a team game, again with uneven teams, but search and destroy? Come on! What's the point?! That many people it was just a sodding killing spree with the addition of some poor bastard trying to pick up a bomb now and then. Uneven teams and people using Juggernaught and Martyrdom...great... So I suggest going to some team deathmatch if we're doing team games, I mean by that point it really was useless trying to get the bomb let alone plant, guard or defuse the fucking thing. But no, my suggestion was met with mockery. My stress level was just peaking at that point from the earlier stresses and the frustration of constantly spawning on the wrong side of the map, sprinting over and being killed before I could even round a corner.

Sure it's what the game is about but it gets old quickly when you're not concentrating and keep dying. So I quit. No warning, I mean why bother I doubt anyone would give a shit I dropped out anyway. My mind is now just too full and spinning from today to even try again. Console off, may put it on for some music soon but for now...I just need to get my head back straight because I am not dealing with the pressures in it right now. And to think today started so well...I can't wait for tomorrow. Supposed to be going to some dude's party in Blandford but all I want to do is see Dan and remember how it is to actually relax. I wish we were on a beach somewhere right now just watching the sunset, it's such a beautiful night.

Jenivere Out.

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