Thursday 16 July 2009

BrainVomit - Another Message...

I've had another message. To add to those previously unwanted ones. I must have been having an off day yesterday to let it get to me because today I don't feel quite as put out by it. Still...


fine, its good to know that all i did for you over the 4 years is worth something. i was a fool to trust you when you told me that you would always be there for me. i wish yould never followed me out of that music room and tried to help me. the damage youve caused because of that outweighs all of the things in my life put together. you are the only person i ever trusted and you gave me the only 4 years of my life that were happy. i was looking forward to a future with you....


Ok. Right. whatever you say assface. Let's look at this. What did you really do for me over 4 years? You spent my money, stopped me living my life, told me my friends hated me and nobody would ever love me, convinced me I was crazy and you were the only thing keeping me together, kept me under your thumb only doing what you wanted when you wanted, tried and indeed in some ways succeeded in changing me and moulding me into what you wanted me to be, became an alcoholic bastard pushing me to drinking too and nearly destroyed both of us.

Yes. Of course. That was worth something. It was worth moving on from and never going back to. So I told you I would always be there for you. Well you told me you'd never hurt me. We were both wrong. You said you'd always be there for me too and never stop me being who I wanted to be or doing what I wanted to do but on my 21st birthday you called me a slut and demanded that I change what I was wearing or pin it up and prevented me from having fun with my friends because of your own goddamn insecurities.

You trusted me, I trusted you, you shattered that trust and any help I tried to give you was constantly thrown back in my face. You didn't want to be helped. I shouldn't have followed you that day but I wouldn't leave a person to suffer, it's just who I am. I have learned from you that not everyone can be helped. You're a lost fucking cause to still be tugging at my ankles after months apart like some kind of sick puppy.

Bullshit the damage I caused is worse than that, get a grip. I left you for good reason and we were falling apart. You know fulwell the most damage was done when you lost someone dear to you and your parents split up leaving you with intense abandonment issues, oh and your ex before me but then you never did get around to telling me that you left her first right after you got your first shag and bragged about it. I don't blame her for fucking you over after that one. If you'd tried that on me, you would have been hospitalised for a long time, buddy, a fucking long time, having your bollocks pulled back down from where they'd been kicked up into your gut.

Happy 4 years? Are you fucking kidding me?! You were an angry and depressed and for the last 2 years alco-fucking-holic too - that's happy?! Stop talking out of your arse I've never heard such bullshit in my life. Even when you were happy, like going out once every blue moon, I'd never hear the end of how shit it was as soon as we got back. You're one problem I could have done without. I don't believe the spin you're trying to put on this. Fuck off, grow up, and get a life. I have my own and I'm living it the way I want now, not under someone elses rules.

That feels better.

Jenivere Out.

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