Monday 6 July 2009

BrainVomit - Spontaneity and the Start of Something New

Well where do I start? Well when I left off on Monday night the plans were uncertain. By Tuesday we had worked out that Dan was going to find a way up to Poole to stay with me for a night then meet his sister in town on Wednesday and go back with her that day to Blandford. Well, that was the plan. You know how spontaneous things are from these records, so how about I tell you, dear reader, what actually happened.

Dan did come over, with a lift from Zac, so that was one part of the plan that went according to, well, plan! He arrived about 7.30pm ish, and dad was on his way out for a whilethough not before the usual phrases like “don't do anything I wouldn't do, oh actually scrap that do whatever you like but safely!” (Dan and the others think he's a total dude for the stories like the time he left me the house to myself to look after the cats for a weekend, said I could invite over my boyfriend at the time, and left a large pile of condoms on the table and proceeded to call me several times with the phrase “have fun but play safe” me that's a little too forward but they think he's a dude...ho hum...). So anyway, he went out, we sat and played games in my room for a while. It was fun, turns out he's no good at Guitar Hero without the guitar controller (I still don't have the dongle back for that one) and I can still hand his ass to him on a shiny platter at Worms but he absolutely destroyed me at Wipeout HD. I'll have to practice, or get him playing other games I can beat him at!

After a while my dad got back, and we went to sit in with him for a while so Dan could have a smoke and I could make waffles. Nothing beats belgian waffles lightly toasted with icing sugar on top. Yum! So anyway he and dad got talking, they seem to get on well which is nice, though the poor guy was subjected to double the terrible humour when me and dad got going. We're witty, just in our own little way.

After that we went in and played a few more games, I won hands down at Soul Calibur 4 which really didn't surprise me at all, but Dan seemed shocked that he's not indestructable with Kilik. Win! Eventually we opened the wine he'd brought with him (South African red, he seems very particular that it has to be that type but I think he'd drink whatever was given to him to be honest, we shall test the theory soon) and put on a film. He'd brought Yes Man with him, and I had Churchill The Hollywood Years lined up as a second choice. We got comfy just chilling out hugging on my bed watching Yes Man, then put on Churchill after and fell asleep sometime just after 3am while watching Churchill.

It's a shame, I love that film it's funny and has a brilliant mostly British cast of acting greats, from Vic and Bob to Rik Mayall and Harry Enfield. But I noticed Dan had fallen asleep and I was so tired as well that I was practically closing my eyes and stopped fighting it. Personally I would like to hold the wine responsible!

Well it wasn't all too long before I slowly woke realising that my phone had been going off with a text message alert for a while. It likes to repeat itself every few minutes until I read the message. My phone however was hanging on its hook on the other side of the room forcing me to get up. The message wasn't one I particularly wanted at 4.10am, and to be honest I don't know quite how to reply so at the time of writing this I still haven't. But that's not the point here really...

So we were awake again. I turned off the film and went to put on some chill music until Dan stopped me and handed me the latest Cure album, 4:13 Dream, strangely apt, so I copied that onto the PS3 HDD and added it to the chill playlist which I started and squeezed back on to the bed. It's only a single, I don't have room for anything more, but it was comfy enough for 2, just. So around 4.30am, well, we kissed, and that's where officially it wasn't he and I any more it was most definitely WE. I like that.We. And we did a lot of kissing, and a bit of biting, I tell thee he makes an impression on a lady, a dental impression - evidence of his handiwork is going to take a lot to hide!

After an hour or so we went back to sleep again, being still tired but very content we had a bit of unconscious CQC. Now that's not the kind you'll find Snake doing to an enemy soldier, no no, this was “Close Quarters Cuddling”. Much more apt! So there you have it, folks, no longer single. I have a boyfriend. I like muchly. It just felt so natural and not rushed. I've actually learnt to slow down and enjoy life rather than rushing through it. We're still getting to know each other so though we shared the same bed we were both clothed and only kissed. Well ok we hugged and held hands too, but nothing more than that. Bless him he's such a gentleman, after the first kiss he looked at me and asked “is it wrong I've been wanting to do that since Saturday?” Well I told him no of course not but it almost didn't seem quite right then, I was too drunk/sobering up slowly and it just didn't feel quite right. But this was perfect and good things are worth the wait.

So the next day I wake at the usual 8am, well actually 7.30am just to piss me off even more with the paradox and couldn't get back to sleep. By 9am I slid out of bed and put the oven and kettle on. I made us tea and coffee, and cooked some of those halfbake baguettes til golden brown and filled them with bacon and fried eggs. When I took it in to my room Dan was still asleep but didn't seem to mind beng woken up, he said it's the first time anyone's done him breakfast in a long time. Well, first of many, dude, if you're with me you get treated right. That's how I roll.

After breakfast we just relaxed back on/in bed and listened to music and played a couple more games of Worms. After a while we found out his sister had overslept just as much so he wasn'tgoing to be able to hitch a lift home after all. Well instead we decided to go in to town anyway just the 2 of us and have a little look around the comic store and the game shop. We caught a bus in despite my penniless moaning that we should just walk instead he paid my fare and we went on in around 1pm ish. After some mishing around town looking about, and a few comics later too (he's a bit of a comic geek, bless, but he's still not as sci fi as me – close but no dice) he bought us a quick snack, red bull and water and we headed off to Poole Park.

It was a beautiful day and we sat on a bench with a snack and came up with various theories about the geese being an organised gang, and pointed out one of the swans as the obvious sniper hanging back in the distance watching. We took a few photos, he made a short video, and we laid on the grass for a while working out what to do.

Now, please keep in mind dear reader it was a warm day and I'd come out in shorts, walking boots, a tshirt and a short jacket with nothing useful in my bag. We decided that he would pay for my fares to get a bus back to Blandford and stay at his house then bus it back in the morning when he went to work. Spur of the moment plan, and I was apprehensive at not having any spare jeans if it got cold or rainy, but before I knew it there we were on the bus to old Blannie!

We arrived about 6.30pm ish, and went back to his to relax. About 9pm we headed pubwards through town to see if the others were up there. We walked in holding hands to see if anyone noticed but they were all outside, so instead he bought us a pint of Stowford cider (very nice cider) each and we just went out normally and sat down. When we were sat he looked at me and we held hands on the table. After half a minute Chris just said bluntly “guys we all know you're together now, you look really uncomfortable like that so just let go already.” Word spreads fast apparently! Well I guess it isn't all too surprising when Dan said he was asked why he wasn't going out on Tuesday night when they all know it's his day off work Wednesday and told a few people he was going to see me. You just can't keep a secret in that town. Not that it was a secret but, well, you know!

So everyone knew, in fact they probably all knew before me! Well Chris decided he wanted to embarass us, he told us he was going ot plot something and came back with rum and coke. Needless to say we were a bit apprehensive... Well he lost. He sat down, sipped his rum with an evil look in his eye and a grin on his face, waited for a moment of silence then loudly asked “how was the fucking?” Fail! We just calmly, and truthfully, told him we haven't yet. Bingo. No embarassment for us but he was not expecting that answer! Giggles :) and more hugs, which was nice.

You know, saying everyone knew that's not entirely true. April turned up later, but she wasn't too enthusiastic at the news as she seemed to be having a bit of a bad night. She did however claim it to be all her doing because of the beach last Tuesday night and said we should have got it together sooner. We both agree things happened in their own good time and not before, there's no reason to rush now. I mean, we've both been there before, and ok we've both not had any in a long time either but still it's just so nice to relax and not pressured. I mean it probably won't be long but then like everything else has seemed to with us it'll happen in its own good time, when it feels right.

So anyway, later on we were going to leave but then realised everyone else seemed to be inside or on the phone, so if we left April was going to be sat there on her own. We were just going out the gate when Dan pointed that out so we went over and sat with her. At one point she just got really stressed out at not finding a lighter, like it was the last straw, and got up and left her stuff behind walking off down the road. I ran and caught up with her and we sat on the wall for a minute and talked about what was up. I think I helped to cheer her up, she went back with me and we found another lighter so she could smoke and chill out.

After a while, April went home with Emma looking a little happier than she had before. We were headed for Dan's sister's for a cuppa, which was bloody good because, well, shorts, tshirt, jacket, sod all else, add those up and you get a me turning very blue at midnight! We stayed there for an hour and a bit I guess, then got a lift back to his to crash out for the night. So random how I ended up there but it was good.

Bless the awkwardness of the beginnings of things he went out to change and came back in boxers looking sheepish holding his clothes covering his chest and muttered something about me not seeing him topless yet. Is it possible there's someone more awkward than me out there?! Well I opted to play it safe and stay clothed. Even kept my socks on but in my defence my feet were bloody freezing. We talked a while and I don't remember when but I think we both eventually fell asleep at some point. His cat spent the night trying to decide who to sleep on, so I kept waking up as she switched from me to him and back again.

Morning rolled on in and I woke at precisely 7.59am with the cat stepping off the windowsill on to my chest with a smug look on her face. She then sat on Dan's chest, curled up, and gave me the most evil look while reaching out a paw in my direction and flexing claws at me. We kept that up for about an hour, with me half dozing off between staring contests, then slowly Dan started to join the world of the waking partly or maybe even mostly thanks to his alarms. Like when I used to have to be up, he has several and goes back to sleep a good few times before he gets up.

Seriously some of the similarities are uncanny, he even says very random things when he's starting to fall asleep in the middle of conversation. Like at my house, we were both half asleep and I mentioned something about bacon and eggs for breakfast and he muttered something about the web of intruige! Prototype on the brain, so perfectly game-geeky it could be forgiven if he wasn't a 360 player. Oh well, I'm working on converting him with the power of MGS4.

But anyway, back to this morning when we woke up, we spent a long time just cuddling, with a few odd kisses, still half asleep but just so relaxed. We spent a good couple of hours like that before we had to concede and gt up so he could go to work. Good job he had the late shift! My bus was at 12:47 and he had to be at work by 1pm so we left together and parted ways at the bus stop. Bless he made me promise to text him when I got on the bus. I'm really not used to this nice guy business, I mean I actually kinda feel cared for and you know what? It feels good. It feels good to be wth someone who is happy to be with me, who gets excited about the very near possibility and tells several close friends about liking me...I feel special and happy and wish to return the favour. I think it's going to be just fine, staying chilled and just moving at a pace that's natural, not forced, not rushed, not fueled with all the adrenaline of a quick thrill, but slow relaxed and just going where it should go when it is right to go there. I apologise dear reader you must be bored of my rambling but again I don't want to forget my thoughts and feelings and all of the crazy events in between.

I did almost neglect to mention the busker though. We came across a guy busking with an electro acoustic guitar, a V shaped one at that and playing exceptionally well, so Dan gave him some money and on the way back we stood and listened for a couple of songs. Later, when we were at the bus station waiting for ours to turn up we saw him walking through and talked to him for a good 10minutes. Turns out he has a band that are fairly big underground and are well known in the business, and he just does the street work for fun and something to do then gives the change to his kids as pocket money. Not entirely sure hoe much of that was true and how much was bullshit but he said their album is on sale in HMV so we'll check it out. Spiritualised. That's the one. I'll check this theory. Either way he was a bit of a dude, quite cool and it was certainly a random occurrence to mark the day right there.

It's 11pm right now, we're having the internet installed in the morning so hopefully I will get this uploaded with some pretty pictures for you, dear reader, to break up the endless writings. The weekend is sure to bring more as DHIBBS are due to roll out again, and we should be attending a BBQ/pool party on Sunday. I need to check the logistics of it as soon as I get online but I'm sure it'll be fine. I can't wait to see Dan again. Even before we got together, wow it hasn't even been 48hours yet, but still, even when we were just friends I always really liked talking to him. It's just like being drawn to someone magnetically, their company is just enjoyable and you could talk for hours without ever saying a word.

Scrap that it's 11pm Friday and I have the internet back at home. Huzzah! Expect more after the weekend!

~~~~~~~~ Thoughts of the Days ~~~~~~~~~

Life is an ocean. Sometimes there are waves that make it hard to swim, sometimes there are storms that make it hard to see, sometimes the sun shines so brightly on the water it blinds us to the clouds... At the end of the day, you can only sink or swim so you may as well go with the tide and ride the waves, hoping if you find land you will not be alone.

Even the stars shine brighter when viewed with more eyes.

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