Tuesday 4 August 2009

BrainVomit - A Different Weekend, In and Out, and The Problem with People

Well there's a few things to cover today. I'm going to start on the incredibly positive from this weekend though because it really was quite something.

~~~~~~~ Saturday Night - Clubbing with Rednecks ~~~~~~~

So Saturday night I headed off to Dan's to prepare for clubbing in celebration of Colleen's 21st. I had the card and present waiting in my bag for her and was already in costume for Redneck vs Chav night at Sound Circus. His sister Claire was coming to pick us up and drop her kids off to be looked after by good old granny. Unfortunately, Dan's mum was pissed off at being "used as a babysitter" and didn't believe that Claire's ex husband had been asked and refused. It didn't cause too much of an issue because Claire was just as pissed off with her ex, so didn't spend long putting the girls to bed before heading out to pick up Tristan while we waited for Dan to have a snack, bless.

The journey was fairly uneventful but I was glad of the good choice of music - can't beat a bit of Soil when you're on the way to a night out! We got there and I paid for us to get in as we were too late for free entry which was a shame, but I agreed to pay for both of us if Dan went to get my first drink. On route to the bar, the owner came over to take our picture and gave us our free drink tickets for going in costume, so Dan was off the hook from buying for a moment, lucky sod!

As you can see, I was feeling a bit brave in cutoff shirt and hotpants combo, but I kept the leather waistcoat on for most of the night like a stomach-concealing comfort blanket. Yes, I am a little paranoid about my weight but mostly because it goes up and down so damn much I don't know what the heck's going on!

Anyway, we hunted around for the birthday girl, but she wasn't there yet. We took up some seats in the usual corner with the usual crowd and took a few photos until we saw Colleen, Chrissy T, Wombat and Louise arrive along with Jamesy and a fellow we know only as "Northern John". Many a photo was taken between us, with some classic expressions too! One of the first things Colleen said before the top of the following photos was taken was the brilliant line "I didn't mean to get this drunk, but I'm really drunk already!"

Me and Colleen

Louise, Wombat and Dave

Wez and Lucy

Chrispy and presumably new girlfriend. He's not a tall bloke and she was small next to him - she's freaking tiny compared to the rest of us! Bless, just like the band on her t-shirt...

Me and Dan

Well through the course of the night there was a lot of drinking and photo taking. I didn't dance much because, well, I didn't feel too in the mood and to be honest the choices of music weren't really inspiring me as much as they could have been. What pleased me a lot though was that Dan and I weren't attached at the hip, neither were we spending the entire night apart. It was a nice balance, to dance together a little, sit together, but split up and talk to other people too sometimes. I mostly knew where he was and looked over now and then if I was talking to someone else, noticed him doing the same a couple of times, it's just more of that perfection that I am still finding it so hard to believe is real.

Through the night I got some classic photos, brilliant drunken silly faces and people swapping shirts all over the place! Later on Josh and Lotty appeared from seemingly nowhere too which was awesome though Josh was completely wasted, bless him he was a huggy drunk literally hugging everyone and saying he loved them. I'll let the photos explain the rest of the night!

Colleen and Dan, otherwise known as Fran and Bernard (Black Books)

Chrissy T and Northern John.....oh dear...

Dan and Luke
NJ in PVC....oh my...and it's not a lady's top he's borrowing, it's Chrissy T's!
Colleen and Dan in the artiest photo of the night

Chrissy T makes a normal shirt more his style

Jamesy getting camera-shy

Some dude who was in the area with us, I don't know him but I think some of the others do. Had to get a pic of the shirt swapping madness though!

Dan's sister Claire and Tristan
Retard alert!

Josh and Dan
Josh still hugging Dan
Lotty watching on a bit confused

Me and Dan adding perfect facial expressions to the Redneck style. Yokels!
No Dan, real men drink real cider not that pear crap ;D
Me and Jamesy

Wombat and Lay
Luke looking a bit psycho....
Myself and Lotty

It was getting a bit later then, so we headed to the car briefly to retrieve presents for Colleen. Dan had bought her a set of models from her favourite comic/graphic novel series Lenore and a bottle of red wine, and I'd got her a "Penguin of Death" from the Edward Monkton collection.

Now, she loved the figures from Dan, but what he didn't realise was she didn't like red wine so we ended up taking that back with us. The other thing he had completely forgotten, and neglected to mention to me, is that Colleen is scared of penguins. Fail! I'd been worrying about it all night, but turns out it just made the gift ironic and she loved it! The message on the front of the bag, by the way, reads:


Things you Need to Know:
1. He is strangely attractive because of his enigmatic smile
2. He can kill you in any 1 of 412 different ways"

So the end of the night rolled around, and it was time for the costume prizes. There were 4 this time, 2 for those who came as Chavs and 2 for the Rednecks. I didn't expect anything, but after the first bottle was handed out for Rednecks, Dan nudged me forward to the front and convinced the dude that my costume was much better than the other girl he was considering. I was a bit nervous at being put on the spot and surprised at him being so forward but it worked and I won a lovely bottle of red!

When we left we were taking Luke back with us too, and we were all significantly pished in the back. Decision was made to go to Maccy D's all night drive thru for some munchies, so off we went. In the carpark we were amused by a large group of chavs, some of whom were dancing in the most absurd fashion for a minute or 2. Still, after we'd ordered we drove around the corner to a secluded part of the carpark. I swear Maccy D has never tasted so edible! Quarter pounder with cheese when I was absolutely trollied on double vodka and energy drink (I had a fair few through the night) and it was DELICIOUS!

~~~~~~~ Sunday - Chillout ~~~~~~~

Sunday I woke up first as usual, completely happy to lay awake and cuddle up to Dan for a little while before deciding I was hungry and needed snackage. I got up and dressed, and just as I was about to slip out for a few minutes Dan woke up and offered to come with, bless! I told him to stay put and I'd be back in 10 so went over the road to Tesco for a few bits. Picked up bread and cheese for making toasties, and a sarnie for the instant and headed back over to wake him up. We made plans to have a gaming day in, but his copies of Left4Dead and CoD4 (our 2 favourites to play together) were at Claire's. L4D is hers anyway we were borrowing, but she was borrowing Dan's CoD4. She was going to drop them off early when she picked the girls up but forgot to, so we arranged to run back over to Tesco and pick them up as she had to swing by quickly before going out to a BBQ somewhere. Unfortunately, she forgot them again so we went back empty handed. After some lunch and a lot of indecision, we watched a DVD which inspired Dan to look for his old camera. He and Luke had, back in the day, done their own spoof of the series we'd just watched on the DVD and he wondered if he still had the tapes.

After a long time of searching, Dan found the camera, the charger, the cable to plug it in to the tv and a bunch of old tapes. We spent the rest of the day looking at the old tapes, which went back as far as when he was 12! It was interesting to see him when he was younger, and some of the videos were hilarious and had me in fits of giggles too! Later on when we'd run out of tapes, we decided to watch Cloverfield. It was getting fairly late and he had an early the next morning, but it was worth staying up for the film. Good stuff, started slow but it picked up right on the point where it could have become boring and tedious. Good action movie, good horror aspect too, generally enjoyable all round.

So we went to bed a bit late, and come morning I really didn't want to get up and drive home but still, we did the same old same old and agreed to sort out the evening's plans later.

~~~~~~~ Monday - Do we stay or do we go? ~~~~~~~

We made half arsed plans in the afternoon to go to the pub Monday night, and I would meet at his place so we could walk up together. I got there half an hour late at just gone 8pm, and it was grey and miserable outside. It wasn't raining any more but it wasn't the nicest weather to get up and go. We did the usual message and ring round to see who was at the pub, and found out there were only 4. They were 4 we know and like, obviously, but they weren't the people who we'd particularly have as much to talk about with, so we decided it would be just as well if we stayed in instead.

Bless, he was so worried he was keeping me from going out because his ex never used to tell him when she was unhappy about staying in but complain about it later. Well when he made the suggestion, he literally said "well we have wine, games, hugs and snacks right here...." and I couldn't help but just think how insanely great an idea that was so instantly agreed. It took a while to convince him that I meant it but eventually he realised who I am and that I don't lie to him about that. I know if I want to do something, or don't want to, the best thing to do is bloody well say so - my ex was bad at that too so I wouldn't ever want to repeat the same mistake of not communicating.

So anyway, we played Left4Dead which he'd collected earlier and thoroughly enjoyed it with some of the wine I'd won on Saturday. Unfortunately though the wine did not aid in the last level, neither did the AI, so after 3 failed attempts we gave up for the night and listened to some of the commentaries instead before heading to bed fairly late. Good job we didn't have to be up early! He had the late shift today, so I was home a little after midday and we decided to both have peaceful nights in and chill, then meet in Poole tomorrow. It's nice making plans like this, we've had some nights in, then we're having a day out tomorrow and a night out in the pub after together as there'll be more people we know there on a Wednesday usually so it'll be a much better day to do it. I guess if we hang out Thursday it'd be a night in because Friday is Wombat's party and Saturday is clubbing with Wombat as part 2 of her birthday weekend. It's Amy's birthday too, and Friday is a joint do, but I barely know her to be fair. Maybe I will get to know her better this year. I hope so.

~~~~~~~ Thought of the Day ~~~~~~~

Sometimes you have to know when to step back and realise you've said all you can say. You can lead a man to words but you cannot make him read.

Jenivere Out

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