Thursday 6 August 2009

BrainVomit - The Perfect Day

Yesterday, it started a bit slow then when plans were made I ended up in a bit of a rush and was late in to town - woops! Nevermind, Dan waited for me and I met him in HMV just inside the main shopping centre next to the bus station. I felt guilty for being late and making him wait because I had no credit to tell him I was on my way still. When I got there he was looking at DVD's and assured me he hadn't been waiting too long. We had a browse of a few things there but didn't see anything interesting so headed out in to the town towards Paradox.

It was a beautiful sunny but slightly cloudy day yesterday, a bit warm to be wearing thick tights but that was just bad planning on my part! It was nice and relaxing just wandering through the town and talking. He wasn't feeling too well so I was a little worried but he seemed to get a bit better as the day went on. Fresh air does do a world of good, well except when he's smoking, that's not so fresh!

We got up to Paradox at the top of town, he found a few things he was looking for and spotted something Colleen would be particularly interested in so got that for her as well, and we headed out to check the nearby fancy dress shops. He's looking for parts to make a Deadpool costume, it's his favourite series and I admit it's pretty funny (has included some gaming homages which is always good, particularly Fallout) and the costume would look awesome!

Unfortunately we didn't find anything useful, good job he has the backup idea for tomorrow to go as The Spirit. I think it'll look just as awesome, if a little less eccentric! I'm sticking to my original plan of a french maid costume. It's a party where they say fancy dress but give no specifics, and it's a costume I bought a while ago but haven't used yet so may as well go for it. Hopefully it will be approved by the boyfriend, though the 6 inch heels may not be so appreciated, I'll dwarf the poor guy!

So anyway, we headed back through the town. I didn't have much cash on me but I bought us an ice cream each, it was a hot day and I thought it might help Sir Cough-alot's sore throat, bless him he should realise smoking just won't help! We carried on further and popped in to Gregg's where he bought us each a pizza baguette thing for lunch - awesome! Pepperoni, yum yum and indeed yum! There was a slight problem in that Dan's was going cold and mine was like eating cheesy lava it was so hot, so about 1/4 through we swapped - it made sense! He prefers his hotter and I prefer not to have my mouth completely burnt. Next time maybe we'll be sensible and check before we leave!

We wandered through a few charity shops, looked in a couple of other places, and checked out a little old bookshop tucked down an alley. I found the perfect Christmas present for mum in there, and Dan had a look for graphic novels. We found some Star Wars books going cheap too which I'm tempted to go back for sometime. After, we went to the record shop next door and had a look around. Dan was looking for a film he wanted on DVD, so we hunted high and low before asking the guy working there if he had it. It's only a small shop, you could easily think it was a complete mess, cramped up in there with no organisation but things were mostly in order. He checked and his system said he should have one copy, he hunted out the back, on the shelves, everywhere high and low, and just as we were all giving up he found it as he was going back behind the counter. Dan bought it for a good price and was pretty happy at finding it there, promising it would be worth a watch later.

We carried on to Waterstone's and had a look for graphic novels, again nothing much other than the usual but when looking just around the corner on the Sci fi shelf we came across a novelisation of Metal Gear Solid from the PS1! I keep telling him he should play it, because he hasn't yet, and he still has to complete MGS2 and 3 before I let him on MGS4 properly. I thought the book was an interesting concept though, but put it back because I can't afford it. Dan picked it up though and bought it for me on the condition he could read it after - bless! So lovely of him, I'm slowly getting used to this nice treatment but it still surprises me every time.

After that we wandered around the Dolphin shopping centre for a short while before we realised what the time was. We had a brief squabble, well I say squabble it was just both of us being a bit indecisive, about whether I should just get on the bus or walk home and get my bike and drive down. Dan decided I should go on the bus with him then, I didn't want to suggest it too much because I know I can only afford one way and he'd have to pay for me to get back. Again I felt bad for the money but then I was also grateful to just hop on and sit down with him.

The way back I spent mostly talking to a friend of his who we'd bumped in to in town, and turns out he has a PS3 and not many people to play online with so I gave him my PSN to join in some of our games sometime. Dan spent some time reading his new comics, and finished them sat in his garden when we got back to his house while I started MGS in the sunshine. It was great to be sat out there relaxing in the sun, and after we headed in to watch the film he'd bought, Detroit Rock City. Halfway through his mum called up, bless her she'd made us both dinner! We had the first course, corn on the cob, downstairs and took the main meal up to eat while we watched the rest of the film.

It was hilarious, all about 4 friends who want to go and see Kiss live in Detroit. Set in the late 70's when Kiss were at the height of their fame and the popular kids were all into disco, in America when Christianity was more forced upon youths. It was simply brilliant, a mix of things like Empire Records, Dogma and the like. After the film we relaxed a bit, had coffee and went up to the pub for the evening.

The weather was perfect for pubbing, there were a good group of the regulars there who we like to talk to and Dan kindly bought me a couple of pints over the evening. We spent most of it outside on the benches as it was so warm, though later a few people went in to play pool. Dan put on some music on the jukebox too. Though I missed most of them when I was still outside, I heard a couple of his selections while I challenged him to a tipsy game of pool. I was terrible but it was great playing listening to Simple Minds "Don't You (Forget About Me)" - the ending tune from The Breakfast Club, a film we both love - so losing wasn't too bad! We finished the game after last orders, I nearly pulled it back on the last shots but missed a crucial final red when Dan was on the black with a perfect lineup.

We went back out again before we left, talked a bit more and wandered home about midnight. It was nice walking and talking again after a really chilled evening spent with good friends all around. When we got back we had a quick snack and sat on the sofa. I fell asleep (woops) on him for a few minutes and by 1am we went up to bed. It was nice to fall asleep with him again, he does just make me so relaxed I can't describe it. Waking up this morning I didn't want to move, but he has to work and I have to go home so it was business as usual - I make coffee while he gets dressed for work. It's a good system, and he sorted out my bus fare for me too. Luckily, the bus goes about the same time he leaves for work so that was easy enough. I wandered home from the bus station and here I am, with no idea what to do tonight. We're going out at the weekend so I'm guessing it's best for me to stay home and get rest hoping he'll do the same.

The one thing that came up in the pub was Saturday. Zac wants to go beaching with us and presumably Marcus as well, and there are others who aren't doing the Sound Circus trip who are going out to Swanage for the night. I was looking forward to spending a night clubbing with Wombat, she's organised for a big bus to take us all up there for £10 each if we can fill the 24 spaces. But now there's talk of going to Swanage and leaving early with Zac. I would like to go but I don't want to ditch on Wombat, she's my best mate and I love her to bits. I know Dan isn't as bothered with Sound Circus because we were there last week for Colleen, and with the theme of "hula hoops" it's not all too inspiring for me either but I know I'd enjoy the time with Wombat if we got some good music played.

So I'm really torn. I don't want to be going in when it opens at 9pm and leaving after 2hours. It won't matter for the bus because we've already paid our money for that but it would feel bad that she's gone to the effort of organising and booking it to say well yeah we're leaving early to go hang out with other people. It's a real rock and a hard place conundrum. If only we could leave at 1am, but I know Zac won't want to be driving the hour or so to Swanage that late. *sigh* we'll see what is said and what is suggested. I really don't know what I want so I can't speak up right now with an idea or opinion, if only I was a bit more decisive I could say exactly what I want, then Dan could tell me what he wants, and we could work out the best way for everyone to be happy. I half suggested going seperate but it's not really what I want and he agreed he'd rather not go different ways on a Saturday night. I hope we work it out soon, I prefer to know what's going on rather than leave it last minute to decide...

~~~~~~~ Thought of the Day ~~~~~~~

Speaking your mind is the best thing to do to solve a problem, but if you don't know your own mind how are you supposed fix anything?

Jenivere Out

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