Wednesday 5 August 2009

BrainVomit - Explanation Confusion, Blame and Responsibility

Yesterday, I received that explanation from my ex. That one he was on about making everything make sense. Well, I was expecting the same old "I was paranoid, depressed and have an abandonment complex from my parents divorce and my ex", which is bloody true and what I'd been telling him for years, but no, it was something completely different. I'll show you what he wrote.

~~~~~~~ The Explanation ~~~~~~~

4/8 12:51

Right. As I said it doesn't really justify things but it gives everything a sense of clarity and at the very least means that it wasnt entirely my fault. I'm an aspie, I've been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. Of course the shit i was going through and the fact that i was too young to have the mental ability to control the bad qualitys didnt help. I wish I could have caught it sooner... i'm making alot of efforts to fight the bad sides now i recognise them...

4/8 13:01

If i'd been able to catch it sooner my life could have been so different. its classification has only been relatively recent, meaning diagnosis comes hard. Look it up or if you cant be arsed i can explain it to you. nevertheless it has become apparent that nearly everything i did wrong is largely due to that whether you acidentally provoked it or not. I just want you to know how deeply sorry i am. without this bullshit syndrome i could have been the caring person i was alot of the time before it got worse

4/8 13:03

As i say i dont expect you to forgive me but maybe it will go some way and at the very least you deserved an explanation..... thankyou for hearing me out.


I'm honestly not entirely sure how I should take this. From looking at some information I saw nothing about angry or aggressive outbursts from aspies and talking to one on Twitter last night reinforced that. He explained that it's not generally something linked to the syndrome, and that it's unlikely to be an cause of some of those issues. To be honest, the reading I've done would suggest in a lot of ways more PDA (pathological demand avoidance) than Aspergers. It certainly would explain why he just couldn't do something simple like tell me who had just been on the phone and what they'd been talking about, or if there was something I had to do that day, or even what he was looking for if he was searching for something. Still, I'm now emailing the National Autistic Society (Aspergers is a type of autism) to ask for some clarification.

In other news I'm waiting to hear from Dan to see if he's coming to Poole or not today. Maybe I should call him soon...

Jenivere Out

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