Saturday 8 August 2009

BrainVomit - 50th Post, The Maid and the Prototype, and the Backstabbing Bastards of Bryanston

50th post...should I do something special, mark the occaision? Is it celebration or am I merely halfway to my first hundred? Goodness knows, I'd get there faster if I bothered to write daily! Well I'm going to spend a short time today giving you, dear reader, and account of last night's fun. As you may remember from my last entry, we were off to my best mate's joint birthday party. Fancy dress, and Dan changed his mind again to go for the Prototype Alex Mercer look. It did look rather awesome but there weren't enough people who recognised it which was a shame.

I went for my maid outfit, which worked rather well but we did look a bit of an odd couple, not least because in my heels I was a fair bit taller than him - more so than usual! We looked fairly normal when I was sat down though, and we had a couple of nice pictures taken on my camera.

So anyway, the night itself, it was fairly good. We had to sign in and get wristbands to say we had ID and were old enough to drink. Part of something the club instigated literally 3days before the party. They made Amy and Wombat pay £100 to hire bouncers for the night with just those 3days notice! Ridiculous!

Anywho, it started quiet and I went with a glass of red wine, because it's fairly cheap and goes to my head fairly quickly. There was music, some dancing, and loads of people. I spent a lot of the night going between people, talking and distributing hugs, going outside with the smokers and inside dancing to some good tunes. I say dancing, I mean headbanging. Oh yes. Pantera was most awesome. I will also admit to a little bit of more energetic action to Madness classic Baggy Trousers - what can I say, I have a varied taste!

Well for a lot of the night I left my camera in Dan's capable hands and haven't even checked out the photos yet - woops! I did spend a short while with Lozi, she looked a bit upset and I found out it was because she's been diagnosed with a spinal condition, sciatica, which has been causing the pain in her leg. I spent a while sat with her talking about it, and have now checked out some details so next time I see her I can talk to her more about treatments and give her the reassurance that 90% of cases resolve by themselves. She has my number anyway if she needs it. I think I made her giggle a bit and feel a little better last night, at least I hope so anyway!

The rest of the night is a little bit hazy, well I remember it all but it's difficult to recall much more worth writing about. It was good fun, there were good tunes, some wine was had and Dan had more than a few pints too which was quite hilarious!

Well it all ended on a low note, we were meant to have the hall booked until 1am but they turned on the lights at midnight. Everyone kicked off then, because we'd bent over backwards, nobody had caused any trouble there was barely any mess, not even a spilt drink let alone any broken glasses! Little bit fucking ridiculous, backstabbing bastards, the guy behind the bar was threatening to call the police to get us removed if we didn't leave! Everyone was angry. Very angry. We were some of the earliest to leave though so I didn't see how it ended but I'm assuming they got the deposit back. Either way the club won't be earning any more from us, we used to book it up at least 6 times a year if not more, and everyone would spend a fair deal at the bar, always clear up after and nobody ever caused a major issue.

Oh well, tonight is Sound Circus on the bus. Several people dropped out leaving us needing to pay an extra £2.50 each and on a downsized bus but it should still be a good night now. No idea what to wear but after last night I think short skirt and stockings may well be a good plan!

In other news, I've looked back and yesterday/today marks a month since I started dating Dan, it's been a great month and I don't remember a time when I have been unhappy at all. I can't think of a single argument, the closest is maybe a tiny bit of both of us being indecisive about what we want to do! It's unbelievable really, it's just been so amazing I can hardly begin to describe it.

~~~~~~~ Thought of the Day ~~~~~~~

Time flies when you're having fun, it seems like an age but at the same time it's like just a day has passed since you asked.

Jenivere Out

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