Saturday 1 August 2009

BrainVomit - The Ambiguous "You"

Well this may seem like a bit of a random post, and ambiguous too, but it is directed at "you". If you recognise something of yourself here, then maybe you should take it as a lesson, but the reason it's so ambiguous is because it's not a personal thing, more directed at a kind of metaphorical "you" with aspects I have seen in more than one place.


You. You make idols of shadows, shadows that are so unclear they barely resemble the ones that cast them. You place them on pedestals you craft from a past you remember so badly it is like a rose tinted blanket over your mind. You are not the only one, you are neither the first nor the last to worship false gods, to pray at temples where you will never be answered. You are not the only one to ever suffer the indignities of loss, and you again are not the first to never let go of what is past.

You cannot seem to realise how to move forward, maybe you are scared of the future untold, but unless you stop looking backwards to a past you cannot have again you will never know what joy the future might hold.

There was a time when someone may have made you their world, but that time has passed you by while you looked over your shoulder trying to see into the distance. There was a time too when someone was your whole world, but that time is also gone and it's time you stepped back in to reality. It may seem cold, but you will only make it colder with the ice of your own words.

You believe you are inferior, yet you strive not to improve but stagnate. You cut yourself off, but then wonder why the island you made for yourself is deserted. You are angry when you think your feelings are being disregarded, but you fail to see how much it is a mirror of your own bitterness which if anything is only a dull picture of the image of you it reflects. Your own medicine was something you never could bear the taste of, and yet readily you still hand it around.

You expect your action to have no reaction, as if you are in a world of no consequence, and yet you are the first to react, or overly so, even to pure silence. You anger yourself too quickly, it is no surprise others anger you more, and yet you still do not realise that what you are angry about will only be made worse by your haste of expressing your distaste.

You hide your feelings so well you are shocked that anyone could hurt them, but how can they know your toes are under the rug when they are so disguised, you cannot be too surprised if they are stepped on. And yet, too, when the feelings of others lay in your path you are not hesitant in walking on your way, barely glancing back at who you have wiped your boots on and showing no regard that you have done so.

You keep reaching for clouds, dreams that look so solid to you but are made of nothing but air. You cannot catch them, you cannot control them, every time you leap you will only fall further down. If you keep daydreaming, you will not see the true path you could be taking on your way and instead will only make your journey more difficult. In fact, the greatest obstacles in your way are only the ones you have made for yourself.

You need to realise who you are, what you are, before you lose yourself in the wrong path. You are not the only one, you are not alone. You are many, you are scattered and duplicated more times than can be counted. Your aspects can be seen all over the world and you should be stopped. You are the only one accountable for your actions, and you need to step up and better yourself before you fall beyond repair.


I'm in a creative and pondering mood today, maybe I'll write more later before I go. :)

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