Monday 27 July 2009

BrainVomit - Block, Unblock, Gravity and Art

I haven't done any creative writing in a while, call it extended writer's block if you will but that's the general idea. I should be writing something of the weekend but I feel like popping this one in first before I launch into the account of our latest adventure. See, last night, Dan spent some time working on his drawings, graphic artists, they do need time to perfect their work...but anyway, I had left the laptop at home so I couldn't start on blogging or anything, so instead I asked for paper and pen with the idea of writing again. I came up with 2 pieces, the first of which is utter crap and may end up just being a few ideas that carry on into something better, the second plays on a few ideas I've had recently and is structured to be a song if ever I find a singer or a band to play it, or even just write the music...Anyway, both of these were fairly rushed, ish, and quite honestly rubbish so feel free to skip to the end, dear reader, and I will not blame you.

~~~~~~~ Art ~~~~~~~

Pain I once thought my only muse,
The greatest inspiration from the tortured mind,
A tired cliche of the troubled poet,
Writing in perfect form, verse and rhyme.

I am no artist,
Paint or clay,
Try as I might,
They will not obey.

Form I once thought was all I need
But music lends such weight to my words.
A sweet melody to echo around,
Colouring the chorus, painting the verse.

I am the writer,
Paper and pen,
The block is broken,
So they meet again.

~~~~~~~ Gravity ~~~~~~~

Freefall, like Newton's apple,
The one thing we cannot control.
Leaning over the edge I wonder,
What waits for me below?

Vertigo kept me back from the top,
But curiosity beats back the fear.
Now I wonder if I'll slip,
And who would catch me if I fall.

Take me back to where I found peace,
Somewhere between the moon and the sea.

Gravity tugging at my sleeve,
Can I stay or should I leave?
Stars are falling to the sand,
Midnight weighs heavy upon this land.

White cliffs I build for myself,
Carving steps into the stone.
The higher you are, they say,
The further you will fall.

Take me back to where I found peace,
Somewhere between the moon and the sea.

Gravity pulling stronger now,
Daring to drag me down.
Rain falls to cleanse the stain,
To drain away my mistakes.

What goes up must come down,
But now I feel so perfectly high.
If I let go, stop holding on,
Will I only hit rocks again?

Take me back to where I found peace,
Somewhere between the moon and the sea.
Take me back to where I found me,
Somewhere I am finally free.

Gravity gripping at my heart,
Did it stop or will it start?
Open arms into freefall,
The gamble to fly or lose it all.


The artistic temperament is a funny thing, dear reader, for after writing I do not mind it being read, hence it finds a home here, but then I cannot bear to sit still while someone reads in my presence. I can't sit still and get so horrifyingly self conscious it's almost stupid. I let Dan read when he asked, and I don't think I've ever felt more uncomfortable in the space of one minute. I am an open person, and often pride myself on that mark, but now I feel so terrified of rejection or messing up that I almost just want to close off completely. Ho hum. I also did a small drawing on the bottom of the page, an idea that always fascinates me and the one thing I can actually draw purely because I've doodled it so many times. Apologies for poor quality biro version, and sideways-ness, I will try and get it the right way up later.

Anyway, now I should be off. I need to go to the job centre this morning then look after my little sister for a couple of hours. 15 minutes to smarten myself up into something vaguely resembling presentable and write out the little JSA agreement booklet....sure, it'll be fine. Weekend blog later or tomorrow, that's a promise.

Jenivere Out.

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