Saturday 22 August 2009

BrainVomit - Planning, or the Lack Thereof

Brief brainvomit rant about a couple of things. Firstly, living in a batchelor pad style is perfect except when I'm the only one doing any washing up! It's insane, I was away Tuesday and Wednesday, come back Thursday and there's a whole new pile to do including a pan which was used on Monday! There wasn't room for it to dry when I did the washing up before I left and it's still there now :| Guess I'll have to do it now though with the pile of mugs etc, dad's got a housewarming tonight and people are supposedly staying here after the club too.

I say supposedly, someone was *supposed* to find out and tell me last night what the plan is, so, you know, I know how I'm actually getting to the club tonight and if anyone's taking up space for staying over afterwards. Ho hum. I'm not too annoyed by it, I can't wait to see the silly devil to be honest but it'd be nice to know in advance. Just have to poke him again with a text and see what's up later.

On the plus side, Louise and Wombat are coming up to town today and are picking me up from my place, which is perfect, I can go pick up the comics for Dan (and have a sneaky read before him too of course) and then catch up with the TriForce of Awesome that is the 3 of us when we get together :) Lou sounds happier already and is going to the club tonight with us but this time for the first time as a single lady! Huzzah! Maybe she'll enjoy it a lot more not worrying about someone else, I'm happy for her and how happy she sounds now.

Anywho, off to go and shower. Bought some hair removal cream because I'm pissed off with legs being spikey 5mins after shaving, so I've got a delightful 10 minutes of sitting about cold in the bath waiting for it to work. Hope the bloody stuff doesn't cause a reaction :s might be tying my hair up to go puffy tonight, it's scene kid theme at the club for Chrissy T's birthday. God help us all I'm going to attempt the scene look for free entry and drink. Thinking of those ridiculous half leg tights in purple with red miniskirt and black and white striped top, something reasonably stupid in the hair and the worst makeup job since....well, worse than my normal. Huzzah.

~~~~~~~ Thought of the Day ~~~~~~~

Nothing quite like nougat pillows for breakfast, makes me feel so deliciously like a cliche unemployed loser. Damn shame it's true.

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