Thursday 20 August 2009

BrainVomit - Night Out, Night In, and In Darkness How Things Change

It's difficult sometimes to guess how things will go, how things will work out and whether it will be any good or not. I'm finding this when we go out now, just to the pub, but some nights are really fun and enjoyable but others are becoming tedious and questionable as to why we're there. Tuesday was one of those nights, we were wondering if we were going to go at all, and Dan sent out the usual texts to see who was there, when Zac turned up outside to give us a lift unannounced.

When we got to the pub as usual everyone was on one bench, and though there was room for one or maybe two more there wasn't room for all 3 of us to join. Space was made and Zac sat with them, leaving Dan and I to find a seat on the bench at a right angle to the end of the other bench. It felt a little out of place, but soon Jamesy got out a guitar from his car and asked us all to teach him a couple of chords to impress his new girlfriend. It ended up as Zac playing a lot of his tunes, and occaisionally Dan and I would pick up a tune of our own. By the end of the evening Jamesy had learnt a couple of tunes that myself and Dan taught him, simple little riffs that sound pretty and complicated.

All this was well and good but the others weren't so appreciative, often playing their own music on MP3's or phones or making comments or singing "Smelly Cat" over the top. We ended up leaving early, we didn't feel right and it wasn't a particularly interesting night to be there. The bad vibes at times were tangible and it was just not what we were looking for in an evening. I wish it was more predictable, that we'd know which nights were worth going for. Unfortunately it seems some certain people make it less pleasant to be around.

Wednesday was a different matter, we woke up and after (ahem) a nice wakeup, we played some Skate 2 before wandering up to the hospital for Dan's xray in the early afternoon. It was a beautiful sunny day and just felt so much happier and more relaxed than Tuesday eve. A while ago I had no real balance to me, I was all over the place, but the more I spend time with Dan the more I feel able to relax, chill, and take things in my stride.

One uncomfortably odd thing did happen though, Dan needed to tie his shoelace and we stopped at a bench. A bloke was on this bench on the phone and we accidentally overheard possibly the worst conversation for someone to be having in a public place. Heard the word "barrister" mentioned and "but at the time I didn't know she was 15". Serious moment of oh no, walk on as fast as possible. If unsure check for ID - and not just when serving alcohol! *shudder* oh dear...

Anyway, we wandered back through town and bumped into Marcus out of the blue! He actually ran up behind Dan and hugged him, it was really good to see him and he's really happy in his new place in Yeovil. He went back to finish his lunch in the cafe as we mished to the bookshop and record shop. He met us again in the record shop and we walked and talked for a while which was good, I miss him being around and hanging out with us, but it sounds like he's better off somewhere new and he'll be in college before long.

Eventually, we walked home. Marcus walked with us until he met up with the person he'd come in to Blandford to see and went on his way. We got back and went for some more Skate 2 where I proceeded to beat Dan at least 75% of the time, or more like 100% on the Hall of Meat challenges - win! I like beating him at his own games, especially when he's had more practice at them ;)

We went for some Star Wars Battlefront 2 later where we fought on bravely as a team through the Mos Eisley assault level where you play as heroes or villains, then through some of the more traditional campaigns like Jabba's Palace where we unfortunately lost, Dagobah where I led us to a glorious victory, and the Death Star in the time-paradox Clone Wars era where we secured another steady win. Naboo's hunt mode gave us a chance to fight against each other, Dan playing as the hapless Gungans being mown down by my Super Battle Droids. Round 2 however he worked out how to win, by repairing the turrets to take us down. It was a sad loss. It was made up for when we teamed up fighting the Empire with spears and stones on Endor. Woopah, yeeehah!

The night in was finished with film time, The Spirit was the choice today, a fantastic adaptation by Frank Miller (Sin City) of Will Eisner's comic series of the same name. Dan's costume now looks twice as awesome to me and very sexy indeed. Great film though, I highly recommend it to comic fans or just fans of good films, especially if you enjoyed Sin City you'll love this. Full of comedy, incredible visuals, great acting, it all comes together beautifully. After the film it was late and time for sleep, and we woke easily this morning and I drove home leaving him to go and work. No idea what plans are today, but my plan now is to check out the things stored in my garage.

~~~~~~~ Thought of the Day ~~~~~~~

Change happens whether we like it or not, people change whether we like them or not. Shadows still fall even when you shine no light their way, and sometimes you don't have to make a spark, the fire will start itself. Is there a way back? In time can darkness be lifted to reveal new light? It's difficult now to know.

Jenivere Out.

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