Wednesday 2 September 2009

BrainVomit - Catching Up, Illness and Finding the Opportune Moment

Well I guess I have a lot to catch up on now, it has been over a week since I last wrote and there's plenty of ground to cover! It's going to be more difficult now to remember how things played out but I'll do my best, I should have updated sooner but last week was Dan's week off work so we spent the whole week together. I wasn't expecting it, I thought you know he might want a day to himself or something but no, in the end we spent all the time together and still not a bad word between us. I actually think he's perfect now, we've not even disagreed majorly on anything and we just work so well.... *sigh* why did I not meet him sooner? I guess things this good are more than worth the wait. Anyway, on with the tales...

~~~~~~~ Saturday 22nd August - Ladies Days and How to Scene It Up ~~~~~~~

The girlies came and picked me up as planned and we went in to town to do the neccessary. First stop was Burger King because they were all hungry, I'd had breakfast recently so went for a milkshake instead which is marginally better than more junk food... After some brief silliness we moved on down through town looking for some red shorts Louise wanted and presents for Chrissy T. On the way we stopped and took photos of Bev trying on silly glasses and later hats, which was all good fun!

Bev in BK being silly!


Wombat and Bev

Me and Louise

Bev and the Owl

...we couldn't figure out why anyone would seriously wear these...

Big hat!

Little hat!

Lou hat!

Car park antics

We ended up in Primark, which always scares and worries me because I get those "you don't belong here" scowls from everyone in there... Still, we figured it might be a place to pick up some cheap accessories to go Scene. I went for some neon laces, and eventually we ended up in the lingerie section picking thongs for Chris. It's not always easy shopping for other people but then he's a rather camp gentleman at times so I found the perfect gift - a grey and white stripey thong with pink writing on the front that said "If you can read this you're a lucky guy". We figured he'd find it amusing at least, and it later turned out to be some funny timing! Louise found a pair of skinny pink leopard jeans for him too and eventually we paid up and moved on. Before we left though I had a call from Dan who'd been having a shit and busy day at work. I wanted to give him a hug there and then but sadly we were far too far away for that so I settled for just talking to him for a few minutes. Bless. He sounded happy he didn't have much of his shift left anyway and was finally getting a proper lunchbreak when he rang.

Anyhow, after we'd done in the bottom of town, we split up briefly so I could get the comics from the top of town for Dan. After getting them I popped in to the fancy dress shop next door to look for spray in hair colour that Lou and I had been looking for and not only found the perfect stuff for us but also another little gift. Everyone likes humourously iced and decorated marshmallow penises on sticks, right?! Shame I didn't take a photo of it first thinking about it, would've been a good one to pop on here!

We hadn't yet found shorts for Lou, so we decided to head for Boscombe (just past Bournemouth) in the hopes there'd be something at the alternative indoor market we'd heard of. It turned out when we eventually found it there was nothing there suitable and after a rush around the last places we could think of while running out of time I remembered a pair of red skinny jeans I'd put in the garage "for sale" pile that might just be her size. As they were due to drop me back home anyway I ran in and fetched them before they left. Turns out they were just perfect, if only I'd remembered them sooner!!

The evening came around fairly quickly from then on. I had a bath and helped clean up with dad ready for his guests to arrive for the housewarming. I sent Dan a couple of messages asking him to let me know when they were on their way from Blandford so I could be ready. Well I was almost done washing up when my phone started ringing. I quickly throw off the gloves and dry my hands to answer and it turns out they're at the sodding door! I mock berated him a little bit for now giving me much warning and let them in. I finished washing up and got changed into my gear for going out. The others were pretty much ready but we wanted to do our scene kid hair and makeup. I put my hair back and went to the bathroom to spray the colour in to it, which I did in stripes and t showed up rather well. After I'd don mine, I had plenty left and ended up doing stripes for Emski and Dan and the tips of Zac's hair too. We all looked fairly cool, and used up all of one can but it was well worth it for 4 hairdo's!

Dan did his eyeliner, as he used to a few years ago when he was more "goth" like I used to be, and then he did mine for me too - first time I've ever let a guy do my makeup but he did a fairly good job! The others were sat talking to my dad and some of the guests as they arrived, and eventually we were all ready to leave. When we got to the club we parked next to Louise and we were all going to go in together, but unfortunately Louise managed to lock her keys in the car, in the ignition! Woops! We stayed to try and help, and there was a big queue to get in so we didn't rush over, but time was closing in so I tried to press the matter that we wanted to go over, get our free entry and hand stamp to get back in then come back out to sort the issue. Unfortunately when we got there the bloody woman in the window insisted it was 1minute past the deadline for free entry so after a short bit of being pissed off we paid and went off grumbling.

A couple of people had stayed with Lou for a minute while she worked out what to do so I went to find Chrissy T and give him the gift (which was wrapped by Dan and from both of us on the label) which was perfect timing because he was with the same gentleman we'd seen him with the last few weeks, they looked happy and both found the presents amusing which was good! I went back outside shortly after to help Louise. Bev was with her and they'd got hold of the insurance people who had called out a rescue company, but had told Lou they could turn up any time before 11pm! Louise was getting worried so she gave her parents a call just in case they'd be able to make the 40minute drive with her spare key to sort the problem. Luckily 5minutes later the rescue guy turned up to sort her out. I left them to sort it as Bev was still there and it wouldn't be long before it was all done and dusted. I had a few drinks and dances with Dan and others, we got our free drink tickets and plenty of photos too.

Dan looking goth/scene

Zac and Emski chilling on the sofa before we left

Birthday boy, scene as always!

Wombat, looking very un-Wombat-like

Zac and Emski chilling at the club

Charlie and I doing the worst fake smiles known to mankind!

Myself and Louise - seperated at birth?!

Chrissy T having fun

Emski and I with our striped hair :D

Left to right - Lucy, BoyLove starring Chrissy T, and Scott with Wombat's arm. Poor Lucy stuck in kissy corner! Good job Dan and I aren't like that eh :)

The night was spent as a usual Sound Circus night, getting pissed, requesting songs, taking shedloads of pictures, having a laugh and dancing/rocking out to good music. There were a couple of blips in the night, in that Emski and Zac had a bit of a thing, and we talked to them seperately, and some idiot puked all over the floor in the ladies making it impossible to stand in the queue for the remaining 2 loos.....ew...doesn't usually happen but it's pretty vile when it does. Also at the end of the night Wombat got quite upset in the car park. Something had been troubling her and the booze had just broken down that last barrier and let it out. She was more drunk than I've seen her and there was nothing we could say to make it better, so myself and her closest friends just hugged her and did the best we could. I left before them but they were only a few minutes behind and I knew she was with people who cared about her and would look after her.

~~~~~~~ Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th - MGO, Go Go Go! ~~~~~~~

We got back to my place and Zac and Emski went to share the upstairs room while Dan and I set down in my room for the night. Come morning Zac and Emski left to go home and Dan stayed with me. We spent the afternoon gaming and having fun together, then later it was time for some MGO with the Minions. I decided to let him play a few games with my character, but the silly sod lost me 2 levels in the process! Still, he enjoyed it and I found it fun tutoring him in the finer arts of MGO combat. I found, however, that it was virtually impossible now for me to play with a certain person without them rubbing me up the wrong way. Ho hum. I let Dan carry on for me instead.

The next day we spent just as relaxed, taking it at our own pace. I bought Dan his own MGO character so he could spend the day in training for another hopeful game in the evening with whichever Minions could make it. I just about broke him away from it for half an hour to have a gourmet lunch made mostly with leftover party food. Worked well enough for my standards!

~~~~~~~ The Week from There - Holiday Relaxation ~~~~~~~

We went back to Dan's sometime Tuesday and spent the afternoon and evening relaxing. If I remember rightly this was the day we bumped in to Dan's mate Will and he came back with us for a while to chill out. Dan got a bit ill that night but thankfully it passed by morning. Really odd, he had fever, coughing, headache, the works, but by the morn he woke up almost perfectly fine again. Maybe I'll explain that a little in my other blog ;)

Wednesday we went to Weymouth with Lay and a group of others to see Inglorious Basterds. It was a damn good film if a little long and oddly put together. More focus could've been given to the Basterds really but I guess despite being the films title they were really just the setup for something bigger. I shan't go in to any more detail than that for those that haven't seen it, but it was certainly Tarantino's work. And a hundred times better than Death Proof. But then, anything is better than Death Proof. We actually fast forwarded big sections of that film and missed out on nothing.

Anywho, Wednesday night we decided to head out pubwards seeing as it was a nice evening and midweek tends to be good for people being there, but despite arriving at just gone 9pm we were the only ones there! Chrispy turned up 10mins later, followed by some of the girls, but they didn't stay long as nobody was feeling too perky so we ended up wandering with Chrispy back to his to pick up an extra controller and headed back home with him for a few hours of gaming on Dan's 360. We went for all time fave CoD4, where I gave the boys a damn good beating. Chrispy did beat me on one or 2 matches but overall I came out top. Our last match was a knife only battle on Shipment. It was hilarious, the tiny map kept it quick and brutal, though we kept going in and out of the fabled "zone" so scores were even right to the end! It was a 150 point game, and I won with Chrispy just one kill behind me and Dan one kill behind him. tense, but hilarious all the way. We bid farewell at 12:30pm and got some rest before the next day.

We got up in fairly good time and bought explorer tickets for the bus, this meant we could get on any bus for the day so we could go on to Bournemouth cheaper after we'd been in Poole and done what we wanted there. So off we went, and before long in Poole we were sat on a bench with some ice cold drinks in the sunshine when lo and behold Will's standing in front of us! I noticed him first, grinned and nudged Dan telling him to "look up and slightly to the right" at which point he was happy to see his good friend again. We agreed to spend more of the day together again, and set off to a couple more places in Poole before going on to Bournemouth. We didn't do as much as I might have liked in Bournemouth but the guitar hero machine was switched off in Game, so we headed back a little earlier instead so I could pop to my house for a shower and change of clothes.

While we were out though Dan bought me some awesome gifts. He got me a new poster for my door, a Star Wars X-wing t-shirt, a Darth Vader backpack and another tshirt with a green grenade on the front! It's supposed to be CoD but the logo on the back is tiny...bit of a shame but I love it anyway! We got to mine with an hour to spare, so I leapt for the shower and got changed, picking up some clean clothes on route for the next day. We got back in time for the last bus home with a few minutes to spare. We hadn't had lunch though so I popped in to the fish and chip shop while Dan went to buy cigarettes in the shop next door and got us chops to share with onion rings and a couple of pineapple fritters. Tasty! Stashed in the top of a carrier bag, they were munched between us on the way home.

If I remember rightly Will left earlier so we chilled for a while before Zac turned up to take us up to the pub. For a nice change James (not to be confused with Jamesy, damn these same named people!) was there, he hasn't been around for a while but we always enjoy talking to him, usually about games and music but it's all good fun. We ended up having a doubles game of Poole, me and Dan vs Zac and James. Dan and I lost terribly but it was still good fun.

Unfortunately during this time Emily decided to take the piss. I don't know what her problem is but she's forever picking on Dan and that in itself has been winding me up immensely to the point where next time she does it I'm tempted to turn it back in her face. This time though, and I've done absolutely nothing to ever be mean to her or said anything against her, and in fact earlier that evening was joining in with the guys when someone was harassing her by phone saying I'd help kick their ass if they tried anything, but anyway back to the point....I've never had anything against her, apart from the fact she likes to annoy my boyfriend but we largely ignore that, but she turns around to me out of the blue and says something about the dark pink of my star wars shirt (the logo was white and pink on a black tshirt) clashing with my red skirt. I'm sorry lady but when the hell did I care about fashion, least of all what you have to say about it?! When we'd finished the game I went back outside, and sure enough the guys came out with me. Dan, James and Chrispy all had a complete "what the fuck" reaction at it, and told me she was out of order. I don't care, I honestly don't, I just would like to know why suddenly she feels the need to have a problem with me.

I get the feeling that it may well not just be the guys being a little fed up with her attitude, but I'm leaving alone unless she says anything to Dan or I again. If she does I'll let myself get angry and tear her down. She thinks she's untouchable because it's some kind of unwritten insensitive taboo to have a go at someone who is that overweight, but I'm sorry if she has that much of a problem that I'm happy with who I am and how I am that she feels the need to try and bring me down she can go fuck herself. Dan has also since told me, as when he moves departments at work and she will be his supervisor, that she has threatened to give him disciplinaries and says she has the power to fire him. She has some issues right there with control and abuse of power, she doesn't have anything on him to fire him and if she tries to bullshit a disciplinary against him I'll come down on her like a ton of bricks. I've already suggested to him that he speaks to management quietly and say she has made this threat outside of work and he's not sure how serious she was or if she's just joking, then at least they are aware that she may single him out for no good reason and to perhaps give him more of the benefit of the doubt, or better turn the disciplinary on her instead. I shouldn't get so frustrated about it, I know, but I don't understand people who feel the need to make other people unhappy, and I can see Dan stressing about it because he desperately wants to move department but will hate working under her thumb. She works out the shift rotas too. I'm not having her give him shitty shifts so we can't see each other either. Any hint of unfairness and I'll take her on myself. But enough of that.

We left earlier than we might usually that night because of Emily and being a little fed up, we weren't getting in to the mood as much as we could have so home it was with the plan of seeing Marcus in Yeovil the next day.

Unfortunately, though we were up fairly early we didn't bank on how early the bus left to Yeovil, there was one just before 10am from town centre and that was it until 2pm by which time it'd be too late. Slightly disappointed we decided not to waste a nice day and instead went through town, going in to a couple of shops and spending a good long time in the book shop as always. I looked for some more info on psychology but decided instead it would be best to go for modern study guides than another book from the 60's or earlier where treatment was more experimental and less understood.

The afternoon we spent having pizza and garlic bread which we bought from Tesco over the road and watching a bit of tv before some more gaming. We toyed with the idea of going to Poole that evening as we had plans for Saturday but preferred the plan of going to the pub. Seeing as it was a Friday night there'd be more likely to be more people around who we wanted to spend time around, and despite those we were not so keen on, they could be avoided easily enough.

The pub was good, we had a few drinks and saw Josh and his mate Tarry there on a pub crawl. As it was their first stop we convinced them to stay with us there longer seeing as there's not many pubs worth going to in Blannie. Most of the night there was spent outside, James, Chrispy, Dan, Matt (who I don't really know), Josh, Tarry and myself all having a good laugh and a great deal of crude jokes and the like. The girls stayed inside mostly, April was offended by the slightly insensitive but mostly hilarious jokes like the following - "what's the difference between a Ferrari and a pile of dead babies? I don't have a Ferrari in my garage." Ok so it's clearly insensitive but blatantly funny all the same! I don't agree with people keeping dead babies in their garages but come on, it's called a sense of humour lady you should try it some day. She also got a bit funny with me ever since the other week. It's a hobby of mine to jokingly hit on my straight women friends, but I also like to hug everyone, and since I jokingly hit on April using terrible chatup lines she has been really funny about getting anywhere near me. Silly homophobe really, I'm harmless, I have a boyfriend and I'm not a rapist lady?! Ho hum. Still had great fun with the guys anyway.

Coming closer to closing time, rather than going home we decided to go with Josh, Tarry Matt and Chrispy to The Railway which stays open all night on a Friday. They don't let anyone in after a certain time but they don't kick you out if you stay in. Unfortunately as the others ran on ahead I couldn't keep up, my knee had been playing up badly that night and we needed to stop at Dan's sister's and let the cat in anyway. We sat down a short while as we decided what to do, and it wasn't long after all that we went down to The Railway to catch up with the others.

Inside, I spent a lot of time talking to a rather drunk Josh. He told me something somebody had said to him, that made me quite angry. I have since confronted this person but have now blocked all forms of contact, even setting their email address as junk. I just don't want to hear it. They are dead to me now. I made every effort once to apologise, even for things that I hadn't done wrong, but not one apology was even acknowledged let alone accepted. I even offered them a short message of goodwill and get well soon once and yet again was ignored. I tried to make repairs from my own side by accepting that I'd never get an apology from the times they had wronged me, but this one last straw, the final betrayal has left me with no interest in knowing them at all. This person is so dead to me I'm not even going to mention their name, their grave in my mind shall remain an unmarked headstone.

On the other side though I talked to Josh an awful lot, some of it about my ex, and he got riled up at remembering how things were and he gave me a few big drunken rib-crushing cuddles and a kiss on the cheek going on about how happy he was I've finally got someone who isn't going to be an ass to me and who makes me happy. He does like to keep saying how it made no sense til he saw us together, bless him he's a good friend to have, it's nice to know there's a few people out there looking out for me.

The other person I spent a good deal of time talking to was Chrispy. I trust him, and count him as a good friend who I would like to know better and hang out more with because , well I just think we get on well. He reminds me sometimes of how I used to be and think at his age. Bless youth, ahh to be 18 again... We talked a good hour or so outside I think, I wasn't keeping track of time. I don't mind being a person to listen, it's nice to be trusted enough to be talked to and I will always try and be there when anyone needs to vent. Anyhow, when we went back in we discovered a very drunk Dan arguing with some more old friends he'd met up with about Gary Barlow. Far from questioning I just laughed, argued a little bit against the theory every girl likes him and shortly after watched Dan wander off to be a little bit sick, bless. He said later he has a 3 pint limit normally but had at least doubled that. Oh dear. He called us a taxi and when it turned up the landlord gave us a nod and unlocked the door so we could leave. Bless.

It was gone 3am and it was hilarious trying to get him inside! He kept doing the typical thing of loudly going "SHHHHHHH!!" and took his trainers off then put them outside saying something about he hoped the rain would wash them off in the night because there was a bit of sick on there. I called him "honey" at one point, while rying to coax him towards bed, but hilariously he turned around and said "I'm not honey, I don't have any bees!" - I cracked up at that one! It took a fair bit to get him upstairs, he insisted on sitting on the sofa then laying down asking for my shirt to keep him warm. I gave it to him after he got up on the condition we'd go right upstairs, so that he did, all the while going "SHHHHHHHH!" which was doubly difficult knowing his young neices were upstairs asleep! I got him in to bed, at which point he declared "LOOK! I found MY shirt you can have yours back now." I think he must've undressed overnight, he certainly didn't then because we went to sleep fairly quickly, drunken tiredness ftl!

~~~~~~~ Saturday 29th August - Sailing Seven Seas and Clubbing Fail~~~~~~~

I was awake early Saturday morning ready to go sailing with Dan and Dad in Poole, but hungover Dan was harder to wake then usual. Woops! Eventually got him up and breakfasted, then we hopped on the bus to Poole. He stopped to collect his preorder of the new Batman game and we got a lift back to my house to get ready. We were hungry already after a long and delayed bus journey so we had a quick sandwich before squeezing into our wetsuits to go. It was fun seeing Dan put one on for the first time, they can be a very snug fit and difficult to get right when you're not used to them. I still have the one I had in my late teens which still fits perfectly (if a teeny bit tighter around the middle) and was ready in no time.

We left together with all our gear on, so we left towels and spares in the car and went straight to rig up the boat. Dad worked on the sails while I got Dan kitted up in lifejacket and a harness for using the trapeze later. We took a few photos of him getting ready with Dad's new waterproof camera, which worked perfectly later too for getting action shots on the water!

Dan having a pre-sail smoke

Trying on the lifejacket, safety first!


It was fairly choppy, despite the glorious sunshine, so I was out on the trapeze at first. It was like being on a trampoline, the wind was strong and propelling us at a tremendous speed but this does mean there are plenty of waves. They're not very big at all but get a boat skimming through them that fast and it'll bounce along. Fun times, though not what we'd've normally gone out for a friendly sailabout in with an inexperienced crewmember. Still, after a little while we came in close to the shore of Brownsea Island and pulled sails in on the wrong side so we could stop. The boys had a smoke and I went overboard for a quick swim, which given the sunshine was rather refreshing.

Dan, before the ciggy got wet and wasted the last bit....giggles!

Soon after it was time for Dan to try the trapeze. I took loads of photos hoping some would come out ok because water kept getting on the lens. Funny thing is most of the photos make it look fairly calm and it was far from it! Dan unfortunaely lost his footing the first time he got right up and slipped into the side of the boat. He sat back down after that and let me take over, he wasn't keen on trying again in those conditions, I admit I fell then as well when we hit a big wave. It's perfectly safe because the harness holds you but I've had some massive bruises from hitting the side of the boat before.

Dad at the back, steering and holding the mains'l

Dan hooking on to the harness

Leaning back slowly...

Learning the ropes...

Easing out back further....


Wahey! He's out!

..and back in. "How was it?" ...."Wet!"

When you hit a wave, it hits you. In the face mostly.

Awesome action shot!

How it's done!

It gets wet and strong out there...

....and when you slip, you slip. Bang, ouch!

Of course, when you get it right you can look cool in an action shot when you tighten the sail in.

It's cold and wet when you get in though, brr!

Dad covering the boat. I just realised I didn't get a shot of it with sails up in action, woops!

We went back in after a good afternoon sailing which everyone enjoyed and after hosing down the boat (and them hosing me down while I held it steady too, sods) we went in for a shower. I swear there's no shower quite as satisfying as after a sail, strong jets and nice and warm, gets the blood back to the extremities and warms me up lovely. We met outside the club after and went back home for dinner soon after, we had worked up an appetite and Dan and I were planning on going out with Zac and James to the club for Cocktail of the Month night.

We chilled and had dinner until Zac and James arrived to go on to the club. We went in when we got there to find it was fairly empty which was a little disappointing. Still, we found our friends and greeted them, I carried a drunken Wombat around for a little while until she found Scott who then ignored her, so we went and danced instead. The music was really hit and miss that night, and we weren't feeling the vibe that much. I hit up on a couple of the cheaper cocktails that were vying for the cocktail of the month prize, but wasn't in too much of a heavy drinking mood. Zac left after a couple hours to go for a walk, and about 1230 Chrispy and James found him asleep in his car in the carpark. He was just too tired for it bless him and wasn't feeling the vibe either. Dan, James and I agreed we'd be happy to call it a night there and went on our way.

Rather than going straight home, our drunken hunger lead us as usual to Maccy D's all night Drive Thru. Dan opted for mozzerella dippers while I went for a cheap double cheeseburger. The others went for big meals and we drove around the car park to munch and talk. We had a good laugh again, the 4 of us, and then went back for more as Zac was still hungry. I had a Mcflurry, too tempting not to, and Dan had been craving burger after a bite of mine so went for one of those to fill up on.

We went home and Zac and Dan made plans to go out on the Sunday. I wasn't too bothered as it was Wimborne market and I'm skint, so suggested they go together and have a boys day out like they've been talking about for a while. I was due to have family arriving anyway so it worked out fine.

~~~~~~~ Sunday Lazy Sunday ~~~~~~~

I spent Sunday morning talking to my Aunt and Cousin who'd arrived, Dan did too until Zac came to collect him. We parted with hugs and kisses, and my family indicated approval when he'd gone on. My aunt was off to Devon so left after lunch, and Dad took my little sister who'd been dropped off out to the chinese circus in Bournemouth. Craig, my cousin, chilled with tv in the afternoon while I did some gaming. Later I invited him to join me for some games or Worms, which was fairly good fun. We won a game each but the 3rd I beat him perfectly! Dad was home by then and food was made, so we quit there and ate.

Later there was a bit of MGO going on so I joined, it was only 6 of us, core Minions. One of whom I had no interest in playing with but I'm not going to sacrifice my potential enjoyment. Unfortunately, though, I found myself just getting too stressed about things and not enjoying it so I left early. I spent the evening feeling a bit out of sorts and missing Dan more than a little. I'd spoken to him about the things on my mind previously and he had the strange way of not overlooking the issue but somehow helping me to accept it and look at the positives, that and he told me he'd just hug and kiss me until it was better anyway.

On that note there's things on my mind about that too. Not in a bad way though, no. Just trying to find the opportune moment to tell him something I've realised. It's been almost 2 months now, and it's awkward people mentioning a certain word because I don't think either of us use it lightly. But now I know it is indeed that, but people keep saying it before I find the perfect moment. It's not something you ever forget, the first time you say it to someone, and of course you have to mean it which is why I never say it prematurely. I want to be somewhere beautiful and alone with him, somewhere meaningful. If I could I'd get us back on the cliffs over Durdle Door where we first *almost* kissed and wait for the timing to be just right....but it's not that simple. *sigh*. I'm also almost scared it won't be mutual but then all the time we've spent together and the way we are does make me more hopeful it's reciprocated. I guess I'll wait, it can't hurt to let the feeling grow even stronger before I show him my true colours. The longer I wait the less afraid I'll be. I mean, I don't think I'm scared of falling any more. It's not gravity pulling me down, but a new wind beneath my wings making my heart fly. Anyway enough of that quasi-romantic bullcrap. On with the last leg.

~~~~~~~ Monday - Ill again ~~~~~~~

First cold of the season I think. I was drained on Sunday night and felt like crap when I woke up Monday. I spent the day relaxing hoping it would pass, and went on to Dan's for 6pm. I got there to find him snoozing as usual, which made me giggle, but soon enough he was setting up the film while I popped to the garage shop for snacks. He's in a Batman mood after the game's release so we watched Batman Begins and the Dark Knight anime collection that bridges the gap between that and The Dark Knight which we watched a few weeks ago. After that, I played a couple of the challenges he'd unlocked on the game to beat his score and then he played some singleplayer while I fell asleep from ill exhaustion. I felt a little guilty but I also felt like crap and the pills weren't helping much so I cuddled up next to him and felt a little better for doing so. It was 3am by the time the silly bugger got in to bed. Silly boy! Bless. He's addicted to Batman, I'll forgive him for now.

~~~~~~~ Tuesday - Marcus and Yeovil ~~~~~~~

Tuesday we made sure we were up early enough to get the one morning bus to Yeovil to see Marcus. It's been a while since we've seen him, it's a long way to go though, the bus was nearly and hour and a half! I felt ill but stayed awake because some guy kept giving me weird looks and it was making me edgy, Dan however was still shattered and was soon asleep on my shoulder. Cute.

We arrived about 1130am and wandered up through town to find Marcus. A short wander around GameStation later we were heading back down the high street to Chips, a little game shop that's the last mecca for ancient consoles and trade-ins. They still have a small selection of preowned PS1 games, and even had a Mega Drive 1 for sale and a good collection of N64 games too.

I've always found the staff in there to be great. Dan got a Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 poster from the wall after chatting to one of the guys working there about comics, and we ended up all standing chatting about Deadpool and the Disney buyout of Marvel for a while. We searched around for a couple of old classics we've been after a while but unfortunately no luck, shame as they often seem to have the ones we're missing. Still, after a long while chatting to them about games and comics, and trying to convince them to give me a Modern Warfare 2 poster (they said they don't have any left but to come back nearer release) we moved on. We went to a couple of other places and wandered down to the cinema hoping to see Funny People. Unfortunately, the next showing finished at the time our bus was meant to leave so we had no choice but to leave it, shame because that's the best cinema I've ever been to. We went next door to the bowling alley arcades where my ill-slowed-down reactions failed me at Time Crisis 3, but that didn't seem to stop me winning (and brutally so) a game of Air Hockey of the guys vs me. Bless, they tried but I shot them down so fast it was almost painful.

After that it was nearing the bus home. There was another, 3hours later, but it was on and off raining and we weren't too sure about what we could do for that long. We'd already been successful in HMV where I'd bought Dan a tshirt and myself a couple of great foreign films dirt cheap (Nightwatch for £3 and Pan's Labyrinth for £5) so we decided to catch the early instead. On the way we popped in to a shop we'd seen on the way through selling posters and suchlike. Dan found a few brilliant ones for himself and bought me an awesome Star Wars one and a mug with Star Wars AND Thundercats on - so much win in one mug!

After that last brief expenditure we were back on the bus after a farewell to Marcus. We hadn't been there long as it was only 2pm and thought over the decision but in the end decided it was the right thing. Anything we would have done form there would've cost more money, and as Marcus is as skint as me it wouldn't be fair to sit and eat lunch somewhere for example while he had nothing.

We got back to Blandford around 3.30pm and had a little wander in town before stopping at a coffee shop for lunch. Dan had a toastie and I went for quiche with salad, and we enjoyed just relaxing in the afternoon with that before wandering home. We played a couple of games together then he went on to the PC to check out the details of the Disney/Marvel buyout and feeling rubbish still I fell asleep on his bed.

Zac rang a little later to suggest going to the cinema in Poole. I admit when it was suggested I really didn't feel like it but by the time he turned up and we were on the road I felt a little better about it. We listened to some Nine Inch Nails on the way which was good, heard a few songs I've not listened to in a while and Dan enjoyed singing along to his favourite band. Bless his little cotton socks! We got there in good time and Dan bought my ticket as well as a drink each. He offered me food but I felt too rubbish to face eating, so he just got nachos instead. The cheese dip never looks that appetising in those...yikes.

So we did see Funny People after all. We were expecting it to be a funnier film though, it turned out to be a lot less of a comedy than we thought it would be. It did make us laugh, quite hard in places, but there was a lot of seriousness in there too. All in all it was good but damn was it long for what it was! We came out around midnight, Dan and I doing our usual weird-credit-spotting though Zac went straight out so we didn't have time to see if "man with bread in supermarket" got the credit he deserved for that superb role. We caught up with him no problem though and decided we were hungry but couldn't be bothered to do McD this time. Instead we went to the petrol station we'd been to a few times on our DHIBBS adventures and got some lovely cheese and ham croissants freshly toasted in their machine. Nice!

We sat in the car to eat them before going but ended up staying and talking for ages. Zac has been worried about Emski so Dan and I talked to him about it and how he should probably play it a little bit cooler and more relaxed, he's getting a bit too concerned about not getting texts. They're not together, but Zac is more interested in her and to a deeper level than I've ever seen him interested in anyone, and I think he's worried about losing the chance there. Dan and I talked to him for a while and hopefully he should relax a bit. It's not so easy though because as Zac said himself he sees Dan and I so happy together and really wants that kind of thing himself. The thing it's hard to convince him is you just have to let these things happen at their own pace. We've never been overly concerned if the other hasn't text back, or if we don't see each other for a day or 2, but that's not to say we don't care, we're just not over stressing about the little things. I guess it's the trust, I trust him to spend time with any of his female friends on his own if he wants though I'd be a tiny bit disappointed if not invited and vice versa. For once it seems easier to sort out my own relationship than other peoples'! Never thought I'd say that one :) but then there's nothing to sort out with Dan, it's all just right.


So anyway, now it's Wednesday and I've spent all day in bed feeling ill and writing to catch up. I might see Dan tomorrow, maybe just Friday now. He has to work Sunday but has Saturday off and mentioned maybe going to the Great Dorset Steam Fair (which is based in Blandford) that day, and I don't think I've been so it could be interesting, providing I get over this damn virus of course!

~~~~~~~ Thought of the Week ~~~~~~~

Some things are too broken, they are best buried. Do not weep for the past, it's past for a reason and the future can only be brighter when you leave the darkness behind.

Jenivere Out.

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