Sunday 14 June 2009

Dreaming Again?...

I'm not sure when it was but I seem to have fallen asleep again. I closed my eyes by mistake and I'm dreaming. I never dream of simplicity, I guess it's not my way. I am beginning to think that it is the mystery of you, little dream, that makes you so beautiful in my eyes. The less I understand, the more I want to know, the less you reveal, the more I want to see. The more broken you are the more I just want to put you together again. Every time I see you sad just makes me more determined to make you happy, and more frustrated when I can't. When you are silent I long to hear just a word, and any word would do. The further away you are the more I wish to be near, but I have patience to last a lifetime and could sleep forever if this dream would never die. Even when a storm will keep me awake, I hold on to my dreams in hopes when I close my eyes they won't all be gone.

There's so much about you I want to know, so many questions I want to ask,'re just a dream...when I sleep you seem so real, but how when I'm awake, how can I know when I'm not dreaming any more? How can I know you could ever be more than a lonely wish upon the furthest star? I am but a dreamer... I won't give up on my dreams, if only they could speak, or dare I hope, someday, come true...If only......if only I knew...

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