Tuesday 16 June 2009

BrainVomit - Love to be Hated, Spontaneously Bad Ideas, Dishes Best Served Cold and A Thought of the Day

Seeing as I split these blogs into sections, I'm going to make it easier and put in a break when I change the subject. Then I can go back and add stuff, and when you, bored reader, decide you want to skip a bit you may feel free


Sometimes I wonder if I do it on purpose, find someone agitated and wind them up further somehow...try to give a shit and end up only making things worse. I sometimes wonder if I actively seek out people who keep all their problems in and push out at any poor fool who would dare to come near. It's not like it's an isolated incident I'm mentioning, just remembering, knowing how the people I care about most all seem to have this trait from my oldest dearest friend, to my long term ex boyfriend. Do I actually enjoy being hated? Or am I just to stupid to know when to walk away? Well lock me up and throw away the key, it's obviously a crime to care. I'll be waiting in the cell when I'm wanted again but for now I won't hold my breath. Maybe I should just lay on the floor near a doorway and write welcome on my back. *sigh*


So a spontaneously bad idea, well I like to do things on the spur of the moment sometimes and tonight I may just be doing it again. I need more friends in this area if I'm going to move here, so I figure I may as well take a few safe chances and find some. The other week I went to the cinema with a chap who wanted someone geeky enough to see Trek with, he'd found me througth a group for the club I sometimes go to, we got talking, he seemed friendly enough and thought it sounded like fun. Went in for 2.40pm, saw the film, which was good but intensely frustrating for a long term Star Trek fan like myself, then walked back to Tesco (the other side of the place the cinema is) and in a truly unique flair I have for being socially inappropriate I rather too quickly said farewell and headed into Tesco with the excuse of finding something for dinner later. What can I say I panicked, I felt a bit awkward and wanted to get home to play CoD4 with friends. He hasn't contacted me since...woops...

So anyway, back to the point of tonights potential social cockup. I've been contacted by a chap on myspace, musician, quite like his music it's interesting and we've talked about music a bit because I studied it for A level and he went on to do it at Uni - hats off there it's a hard subject to master. In the spirit of making new friends around here I've agreed to possibly meet him this evening and just sit and chat on the beach somewhere. It's a gorgeous day and the coastal air will do me good - it seems to have a lot less of the pollen that gets in my eyes and nose :s he said last night he'd send me a message this afternoon and let me know, it could be nice :) it could of course be a gigantic mistake because he keeps getting a bit flirty with me on msn, I mean it's not like it's in a pervy way just being nice, complimentary, and saying a few things like "
maybe we might both take a fancy to each other!ha" which are met with "we'll see, I'm not sure about that though, nothing personal just really only looking for friends right now :)" but he came back with "yeah we can be friends, of course, just thought if we find each other attractive we could be a little more than friends" which isn't exactly pushy, but I really do want to put him off without being a bitch about it. I'm not interested in anything more than a new friend but I'm still not used to not being able to use the excuse that I'm with someone.

We'll see what happens, it can only go one of three ways here. The first is we don't actually meet. The second is I'll make a new friend, and just a friend. The third is I'll get annoyed by overly flirtatiousness and walk off. I don't mind a little, hell it's flattering and I'm not exactly used to being complimented by...well...anyone, but I do draw lines and won't be leading anyone on. I'm not that kind of girl. Sure I love wearing hotpants and like friendly hugs, but I've not once even kissed someone who I didn't first have feelings for. I guess it just means more to me than it does most people.


Revenge is best chilled and served with a side order of just desserts. I'm currently planning the kind of long winded revenge where the victim of the vengeance actually does the work all by themselves. This person happens to be flirting a lot with someone who has no interest and would rather they'd just sod off. They don't seem to be taking the hint, and have gone so far as to use today's modern technology to be rather offensive which almost ended very badly when a younger sibling of the offended party was present and very nearly saw what neither of them wanted to see.

This person has now taken decided to start talking more to me, with the recent addition last night of having my msn and mobile number (which are on a semi-public profile, I don't care because I happen to have a block function on both) and even my PSN too though I haven't been home to accept that yet.

The sheer perfection in the revenge is just being natural. This person is obviously very full of themselves and won't be put off by my putting them off. This very persistence will be their downfall if they keep it up because I will find out what I need to know and make sure they never offend again with the added bonus of a large portion of embarassment. Hopefully taking them down a peg or 2 will wake them up and make them a better person, if not, well, we can have a well earned laugh at them for their general dickery.


I've decided I should end these better, so from now on I will end on a thought plucked directly from my head.....

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a yoyo? Take my string off your finger and maybe you'll see what it is to be drawn in then pushed out.

Jenivere out.

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