Tuesday 30 June 2009

BrainVomit – Unleashing the Inner Beast and Living for the Day.

So that weekend, pretty wild, no? Well I've been thinking. I know, thinking is a dangerous thing I shouldn't do it that often or I risk injury but it's still wet out and I'm not able to go and sort out my online stuff until it's a bit less rainy. Anyway where was I? Oh yes the thinking. Well I've been a rather boring person over the last few years, being with the ex really didn't help with that. Now I have my freedom I'm really starting to live on impulse.

Yesterday, was bored, went to Blandford went to pub and was significantly less bored. I was even offered a place to crash overnight but I knew I had things to do today so I declined. So today I did what I needed to do first thing when it was all nice and sunny, I spent an hour writing an email with everything in that I remember jointly owning and what I would like to claim back from that.

Then I decided, on such a nice day, to go beachwards. By the time I sorted my stuff out and was ready to leave it was starting to raining. Well, what's a bit of rain when you're going for a swim, right? Well by the time I got there it was practically a downpour and I was absolutely soaked to the bones. Fantastic thought I, and dropped my stuff on the beach then kicked off my shoes and swam fully clothed. A few times to the buoys and back and I ditched the jeans on the beach and went back for more.

After a while I came home, made a cuppa, and here I am contemplating the fact that apparently I don't have to be drunk to leap into the sea fully clothed. Now I'm waiting to be able to go to the park and get that email sent then head back home and cook dad some dinner. Plan after that is to head back pubwards again. I'll take the offer of a place to crash tonight I think, as Dan's invited me to join him and his sister going somewhere (I forget where) tomorrow, so sure, why not, right? Sounds like a plan to me.

Spontaneity, it's really how I want to be right now. I don't want to keep just existing, I want to start living, and I mean really living life for what it is. Life is an opportunity, I mean every day is an opportunity to get out there and do something. So why not make it positive? Take some time to do whatever you want to do, no matter how crazy it may seem if it makes you happy and nobody gets hurt there's no reason why not! Then of course sometimes it's better to do something for someone else. Like I fully intend to do a bit of cleaning when I'm warmed up a bit before I head to the park, and will be cooking some dinner for dad tonight.

See the way to make living life rewarding is not to live just for yourself, neither is it to live solely for others. Selflessness is an ideal but the problem with it is if you don't take some time to yourself and make yourself happy too then you will quickly find you're no good for helping anyone else at all. Gosh I'm thinking a bit deep now!

Well this week will bring plenty more blog action, from the events of thursday evening when I hope to be collecting the last of my belongings from my ex's house to Thursday night when I'm planning on going to the club with or without anyone else, or the weekend which is turning in to a plan for DHIBBS to join up with more folks to head out beaching Saturday night and Sunday. I pledge to take some photos of the results this time! Well, I'll try at least...

It stopped raining but I just opened my eyes and half an hour has disappeard. Bollocks! I hate when that happens! I shall go and get this uploaded then return to cook and clean before I head on out for the next couple of days.

Life is becoming a lot more fun now I'm just relaxing and not taking things as seriously. I realise now how I was beginning to take things far too seriously, letting everything affect me far too deeply and applying meaning where obviously there was none to anyone but me. Like a fool I became too emotionally involved in the things around me. Now, a few weeks older and yet a few weeks wiser I know not to let the same mistakes happen, and not to let those mistakes weigh on my mind.

Well here's a thought for the day. It's an interesting one and I really hope it makes you dear reader ponder it for a moment.

Isn't it amazing how sometimes we talk so much, and yet we say so little. Do we speak to be heard or simply to share our voice with someone who shares our mind?

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