Monday 29 June 2009

BrainVomit – Moving House

So I still haven't been paid the housing benefit for LAST MONTH let alone this one but it's time to move. I just been thinking about how it is going to be living here and thought I'd write some of it for a short while. I mean look at it this way. Dad's now a single guy living alone after a long time of long term partner and young kid around. Though my lil sis will be around sometimes like some weekends, it's not going to be the same. It's not going ot be like living with family at all, looking at our fridge it's more like a bachelor pad or student house! Ok there's salad in the bottom but one shelf is taken up with booze and cola, the rest is milk, half a block of half wrapped cheese, a partbake baguette, bacon, raw chicken breasts in a freezerbag, and butter of some form. Epic win!

I think I'm going to like it, seeing as I live a lot more like a guy probably would anyway it suits me perfectly that this is all studenty/bachelor style. The other thing is we are both fairly tidy/clean especially in the kitchen now which is something that always bugs me. I always used to be quite a messy person until I lived on my own, and now well my room has a great big window on to the road so I doubt it'll be messy. So it's really just like all the best bits of student living without the mess everywhere. Sure there's a couple empty beer/cider cans about sometime, but that's no biggy.

It's also so much better living with parents when older, because my dad is easygoing and respects what I want to do. Possibly too much seeing as he said the spare room will have a double bed and when my sis isn't staying I can have mates over, or use it myself if I bring someone home! It's just not something you want to hear from a parent! Haha! He wasn't phased at all when I stopped by and picked up some booze at 10pm Saturday night then didn't come home til that time the following day and crashed on the sofa. He just looked over and said there's curry in a saucepan or bacon in the fridge if I want something to eat. Fucking classic :) I did the clothes washing today, mainly because mine were full of sand, and I'll go to the park and do the necessary then might end up cooking for us tonight. Life's going to be easier for both of us, I really can't wait til I'm all moved in properly.

I'm so much closer to friends, get to spend time with family without it being like my mother. Living at hers for a few weeks was fairly chilled but it was more expected to go have whatever she cooked for dinner and spend time after talking with them, not always what you want to do. And if I went out then I'd have had to be in by 11pm ish latest so I didn't wake them up. Here I said to dad Saturday I'll be over some point to pick up booze, may not be til the early hours though, and he literally said sure just don't let the cats out. Win! We have the bigscreen tv, a sofa each, and he just go a new cd player which can plug into tv/dvd player for epic sound. Even more win!

Anyway I'll stop rambling now, I still have things to do like sending off that Uni application! But soon, so soon, I'll be here properly, going to Uni, gaming in my room with friends, relaxing and watching comedy and home cooked food.... Bring on the good life I'm ready to chill!

~~~~~~~~ Final Thought ~~~~~~~~

Life is more beautiful when the sun is shining.

Jenivere Out

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