Wednesday 30 September 2009

BrainVomit - Seriously? Anything Else Want to Fuck Up?!

So that leg cramp. I went to the doctors this morning and after a wait of about 40mins to be seen in "open surgery". One short appointment and long phone call later and he was sending me off to the hospital with a letter for a blood test for DVT. Dan was waiting outside for me, ready to catch the bus to town so he could get the next one to Blannie in time for his shift at work. He got me a return ticket and we parted at the station, leaving me a 15 minute slow shamble to the hospital.

I was there for about 45mins before I got the blood test, which was bad enough. I hate needles, never been good with them, and for the first time having this lot of blood taken made me hot, dizzy and sick. Not fun. After some further examination I was given some water and asked to come back in about an hour and a half for the results. Great, more walking with a painful leg. Fantastic.

Went slowly to town and wandered about, got lunch and sat for a while. Bumped into a couple of mates and talked a few mins before slowly ambling back to the hospital. Another 35 minute wit after the given time and I had results. The test was for the signs of possible deep vein thrombosis. Though they wouldn't give a full diagnosis, if negative it would rule out DVT as a possibility, meaning it is more likely a muscle pull or strain.

Well, tests came back positive. The next step is to confirm presence of a clot with a scan, which has been booked for Tuesday. Until then though, treatment starts immediately. They do this as a precaution, no clot no harm done but if there is one and it's left untreated there's a lot more risk if it moves to heart or lung. Not much choice really. Thing is the treatment at the start is daily injections at the hospital, just what a needle-phobic wants to hear.

Had the first one there and then. It has to go in the stomach for various reasons, and thankfully the jab itself I barely felt, but it was after it hurt like hell. See, the stuff they inject is fairly oily which causes a hot stinging burning sensation, like a nasty bee sting. Lasted a good couple hours, and I had to sit and drink water right after because I felt suddenly sick and dizzy again. Most likely stress but still not pleasant at all and I have this to look forward to daily until at least Tuesday, or longer if the scan shows a clot.

Of course all this is just adding to the stress and depression, along with news my stepdad's lung has reinflated but still leaking into his chest cavity. Hopefully should heal and be out by friday but it's still worrying. I'm just hitting a high on stress and a low on mood now, and dreading the next jab to the belly-flab. Maybe I'll just play lbp and fallout 3 until I fall asleep. :( not like this jobless loser has anything better to do with her time than waste it.

Jenivere Out.

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