Tuesday 29 September 2009

BrainVomit - Bad Luck Becomes Ridiculous

When does luck stop becoming luck and turn in to a complete and utter joke? I'm wondering if I've inadvertantly pissed off a gypsy or accidentally done what Svetlana did in NightWatch and cursed myself. Woops. Goodness knows, but I'm getting a little sick of it now.

So not only have I lost 2 beloved pets in as many weeks, but I've had recurring and utterly splitting headaches that are just not affected by painkillers, sleep, drinking more or any of the traditional cures, I've had a cramp in my leg since yesterday which is making walking nigh on impossible because the pain gets so intense so quickly. Last night I had all the painkillers I could, rubbed some anti-inflammatory gel into it and still when I went to bed it was so painful I couldn't even literally pick my leg up and lift it without it hurting more. Because of that today has been largely wasted indoors on Little Big Planet because the idea of walking to and from the bus stop and sitting in a cinema for a couple of hours if it caused it to really flare up.

On top of this mum called this afternoon to say that my stepdad went in to hospital this morning with a collapsed lung from the lingering emphicema at the top of his chest. It's being drained and he should be out tomorrow all being well, but I'm still worried about mum knowing she's running to and from the hospital and trying to catch up on the work she's missed today at home. I've never really seen eye to eye with Dave either but I guess these days we get along well enough. It's just that one more bit of stress that I really don't need.

It seems like I should be happy with the other things around me but I'm continually becoming more and more dragged down by this re-occurence of depression . It's starting to make me moody and I don't like that at all. I don't even know what to write now, I'm sat next to Dan who's attempting to build a level on LBP. Maybe I should just help that effort instead. :s

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