Monday 25 May 2009

BrainVomit - Lazy Days and Crazy Ways, Fridge Space and Cheese.

Brain vomit. It's what happens when I sit at a keyboard and type at the same speed (or thereabouts) as I think. So here's a bit of mental projectile to start the blog I set up a good week or so ago then didn't touch. I'm a bit like that sometimes, haphazard, disorganized, in fact right now I'm thinking of putting this down again and cooking some pasta for lunch before the landlady and her crazy visiting family get back from wherever they went.....

Haha, pasta was good. Now for a little practice on Street Fighter 4 - I may well be having a grudge match or 10 tonight, results to be posted here of course! I'm loving playing as Cammy, not only is she rather good looking, her moves are pretty damn cool and not too bad to pull off with a touch of style :D I'll beat that stupid Ryu playing noob if it kills me ;)

While I'm here though, I'm going to have a little rant about cheese. Here's the thing. I like cheese, I really like cheese, and the lovely little cheapy block I get is just perfect to cut 4 slices to a sandwich for a perfect fit and quick meal for when I'm hungry late at night (I don't often sleep much, so it's good to have something easy and handy to peak me up when I need it). Now the deal is, right now, I pay my landlady to rent a room, a shared bathroom/kitchen with a cupboard and freezer to myself and the top shelf in the fridge. Fairly simple, right? Now her family are here to stay, you'd think the first thing would be to say "ok, help yourself to whatever but those places are where our lodger keeps her food and stuff so leave them". Instead, I was shocked to see not only half my fridge space gone, but my cheddar grated halfway to oblivion. That was MY cheese damnit and I like cheese! I wouldn't be so miffed if there wasn't a whole board of cheeses sat on the side. With some of those cheeses unopened. I mean seriously. How the fack did my cheapy but lovely block, neatly tucked away, become more appealing than an entire selection which was already out! I'm cheesed off. But then I won't say anything, I'll just glare at their cheeses when nobody's looking and maybe they'll replace mine for me.

I rant too much :) good old brain vomiting, does make it that little bit better, no? That and having a good friend to talk to who always seems to make you smile, maybe even giggle out loud, which would explain the funny looks I get from the landlady when I go downstairs.....

Wow I wrote that last bit nearly an hour ago, I'm so distractable! This will end up like some kind of extended Twitter feed of my day - but then what were you honestly expecting, Shakespeare?! Well, as I didn't get around to any Street Fighter yet, I'm going to rearrange the music on my laptop so I can get some better playlists going on my PS3 for when I do get around to playing some later. Less practice, well it's less likely I'll win, but that doesn't mean I won't give it my all!

So, it turns out I have too much music, it's taking forever! Sorting into a few alphabetical folders by track name, rather than sorting by band, just for ease of transfer. Re-importing them to itunes should put them back in band folders, just to please the OCD people who are now grinding their teeth and screaming "Noooo you're doing it all wrong!"

Ok, right, it's now 9pm and I really really want a sodding cheese sandwich more than anything! BUGGER IT! I'll settle for buttered toast when I can be bothered to move but it's not the same :(

4am. Just sleepily attempted that SF4 grudge match, and lost epicly. I blame tiredness, lack of practice, and hadouken spamming. You know who you are, Mr I-Love-Ryu!! Time to finish this day-spanning blog and get a little kip - maybe I'll write another tomorrow, or should that be later today? Who knows - at this time in the morning I certainly don't!

Jenivere Out

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