Friday 24 July 2009

BrainVomit - House Party of Awesomes

Well fine, I admit, I've been rubbish at keeping up with this. While friends like RocketMinx over there manage to write almost daily I'm lucky if I remember to keep up weekly! This is well overdue and I apologise, dear reader, because that means as usual it'll be a long one to cover a huge amount of ground. I don't want to forget anything, because this will still hopefully be here in years time so I can look back and laugh at my mistakes, remembering all the lessons life teaches me day to day.

So where to start? Well I left off last with some negative so this will be 99.99% positive - promise! I'm going to go right back now to last Thursday, to Steve's partay.

~~~~~~~ Thursday 16th - Party Time! ~~~~~~~

This story begins in the afternoon of Thursday. I'd completely forgotten when Dan finished work and had been busy doing...well bugger all. So when he rang asking what time I'd be at his suggesting he finished at 4pm, I realised just how little time I had left and did everything in a rush! I told him I'd aim to be there between 5pm and 7pm, but it took me longer than I thought because of a stack of washing up and some cleaning that needed doing before I could leave. Dad was expecting company so I offered and had to make good on that once I had promised to help. So I left at about 6:20pm with the intention of quickly getting cash out, topping up on fuel and getting some fresh oil in too. This buggered up immensely when there was a lack of 2-stroke (motorbike) oil in the first 2 garages I looked in. The 3rd had some and I got topped up, which was much needed I was almost out, and got back on the road.

It was a particularly damp evening. I say damp....I was wearing waterproof overtrousers and my leather jacket. By the time I got most of the way there the jacket was soaked through, a lot of the water had run off the overtrousers and on to my boots which were feeling cold and decidedly soggy too, and puddles were forming inside my sleeves. When I arrived at Dan's, late and freezing, I straightened my arms and water literally ran out of the sleeves. His mum met me at the door so I hung up my wet things in the porch so they could drip dry. She had made dinner for everyone, including me, so I quickly changed top because my shirt too was soaking and put on some clean dry jeans and thankfully sat down to a hot meal.

In the meantime, poor Dan had got worried about my lateness and called my dad to see if I was ok and find out when I left. Bless him, dad gave him a bit of a joking guilt trip for dragging me out in that weather! They both know a bit of rain won't stop me, it's only water after all.

So anyway, by the time we eventually left Dan decided to take a taxi, probably a good idea seeing as he had no clue of the place we were going! We gave the guy the address and turned up a little late to be greeted by Steve, his dog, and a rather drunk Marcus. We went around and saw who was there, saw the genius that was a gazebo type tent thing just outside the door for the smokers and the BBQ, and after a while sat down inside on a chair together.

The whole night was pretty fantastic, there was music and I think somewhere BBQ food - but it's a good job we were fed previously because we didn't see any of that! We had a few drinks but nothing much, some people were getting a fair bit trashed but nobody was causing issues at all. Marcus and Lexy were wandering around with a clear bucket full of "shitmix" - I'm fairly certain this cocktail contained some of the 85% proof Absinthe (which earlier had been passed around in the form of flaming shots), beer, lager, cider, orange juice and whatever else they found as they went around handing out cupfuls of it to unsuspecting drunkards.

I think in the whole night only 2 people got ill, which as amazing considering, and everyone was happy to come inside and keep noise down at 1am. By 1:30am, Dan had fallen asleep. We were on a particularly comfy chair, and Steve came over and reclined it for us, so bless after working the early shift that morning the poor boy was tired, cuddled up to me and went to sleep. The only problem with this is how hard he is to wake up! When it came to 2am Steve was asking people to leave apart from whoever had arranged to stay. Dan had mumbled about getting a taxi back but as he was so tired and, well, unconscious, Steve said we could stay too.

Surprisingly, a lot of people had to be at work early so alarms were set for 6am. I think most of us went to sleep around 3am eventually, so 6 came around far too quickly. I went back to sleep until around 7:30am, then woke up and was talking to Steve and Marcus as they gathered cans and glasses. I would have been more help but unfortunately I was fairly trapped on the chair, it didn't seem to take long for them to get straightened up anyway, because everyone had been so good about the whole night and nobody had been a twat. Only one or 2 people had been sick, and they'd managed to do it in the toilet so that was not too bad, though it did absolutely reek of it still in the morning.

As we were the only ones left alongside Marcus who'd brought his own, Steve offered us a fried breakfast. Well, it was one of those microwave ones from Tesco, and he only had 2 left so we shared it between us and had a coffee. It took waving bacon in his face and un-reclining the chair to get Dan up but we woke him eventually. We looked at some of the pictures I'd taken and by 9am we left to go home and back to bed. Dan went to sleep again for an hour or so before getting up for work, bless, he was so tired! I didn't mind the extra too before going in to town to meet Wez.

Well I guess I should post some of the pictures, and explain as well! Steve had said it was a naked party, but, well, nobody really felt like getting naked especially not the girls! Most of the guys at some point got topless, and April swapped shirts with Ed at one point too which made for a fantastic photo. Steve wore some of Sue's shirts too which just made for some of the best pictures of the night! Well, see for yourself. Oh and there's also a brilliant reaction shot of Wombat trying "Wine in a Can" - my catchphrase of the night and a truly terrible beverage!

Ok confession time. I've been half watching the entire first series of Spaced today. I thought, you know, I'll make bacon and egg sarnie for breakfast and watch one episode, but I sort of a little bit accendentally pressed play all... Was planning on finishing blog and going to Bournemouth, but now looking at potential of quick shower then in to town to pick a couple things up, and on to Blandford. Was planning on pubbing but then got the tiniest of hints... "hey hope you made it home ok, im still tired lol, want to go back to bed with you, if you get the comics, you could always come to mine first for a gaming sesh before going to the pub, up to you Xxx" then 5mins later "ps i finish at 3 today" - well it looks like I'll go for some gaming but fear not I'll be posting the inevitable record of my win as soon as I catch up here :D Ahh irony, as I write I get a call - "so do you fancy coming down this afternoon then?" Oh alright, if you're going to twist my arm :) would have suggested it myself but, you know, I'm paranoid and don't want to be a pain in the ass girlfriend who keeps wanting to see him when he has other things to do :) away with me! To town!

Nobody was harmed in the making of this blog, except this guy.

Jenivere Out

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