Friday 26 June 2009

BrainVomit - A Week to Remember and A Mistake to Forget.

This week has been...interesting to say the least. I'll start where everything begins, at the beginning, which would now be Tuesday, and an msn conversation in the middle of the night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday - "Go to Blandford, and await further instructions" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So it all began with my decision that I felt like crap and needed to leave the house to prevent myself from dwelling on the same old problem. No answers were going to magically appear by staring at the screen. So step 1 was to check my msn list and drop Wez a line - basically "what are you doing today? Fuck all? Good - see you later at the pub in Blandford." So pub it was. Sunny day, so the drive was nice, cleared my head a lot in the way it always seems to, and by 1pm ish I was at the pub, sat in a comfy chair with my usual pint of water with ice.

Twas a boring day, and conversation turned to RubberDuckZilla, and that turned in to a hunt around town for a rubber duck. This is what we came up with.

The stud in his head was actually from one of my gloves, it wasn't like that when we bought him. So anyway, once we had the duck the only logical step was to film him. So we started doing just that. Somewhere in the middle we got some mini tubs of cheap ice cream from Tesco, then had to go to Morrisons when we realised we had no spoons in the tubs. The good thing here was my infamous hat was spotted by Dan who joined us for a short while on his lunchbreak. When he left we agreed to meet outside Morrisons after his shift was over then head pubwards. Exact words taken from Black Books - "go there and await further instructions".

The day went on, we went to the river, and Wez decided to put the duck on my head...funny, yeah I guess, but I was still offensive to the camera. I was feeling particularly bitter that day, I have my reasons.

We took loads of photos and footage for the film, and we have agreed we will each make a version to go on YouTube and see whose is best. There was Oasis involved too, of course. We had some good laughs through the rest of the day, and he left around 7.30ish so I wandered back pubwards for half a coke and a read of OPM. 9 came around faster than I thought, and I went to the allotted meeting place to await the instructions, which were basically - go to pub. Different pub to the one I'd been in earlier, and a bit further away, but nicer and full of a few people I knew and some I'd vaguely met at various times.

A few hours passed and when pub closing came around we had no idea what to do. I didn't feel like going home just yet, despite having to be up early for the Thorpe trip the day after, so we walked back down to my bike. Plans were made to go to Dan's and watch film or something similar, but bike was going to get there far faster than a person walking so in the interests of fairness I volunteered to push it. This was a great idea until SOMEONE decided that an alternate route would be better. A route involving sidestreets and steep hills. Thank fuck he helped me push it then or I'd have been twice as annoyed when it turned out we could have walked up a short bit of flat road 5times shorter! Idiot...

I'm not a coffee drinker, but despite my general refusal and statements of "seriously dude, I don't like coffee" I ended up drinking a coffee which was described by the coffee drinker as "an abomination" - though to be honest it actually taste nice, the only coffee I've actually liked. Possibly because I was tired and needed the caffeine, possibly because nobody who normally drinks coffee would have touched it with a bargepole. Poptarts were made, and we watched Indiana Jones and the crystal skull thing. It was a fairly good film until the end. Lucas ruined it. You fool!!

When film was over, channel hopping started which resulted in the realisation that there's fuck all on tv in the early hours of the morning, and far too many bible readings on the radio - no thanks! The rest of the morning (4am onwards) was spent wandering back through the town searching for a shop that may just be open selling red bull. Eventually we got to One Stop at 5.30am, just around the corner from the house I grew up in, and found it opened at 6am. I always used to mock the people sat outside shops waiting for them to open but by the time they let us in I was desperate for that Red Devil (cheap red bull) and very glad to part with some pennies for it.

I eventually left when we got back around 6.30am ish, knowing that Martyn was due to pick me up from Gillingham at 7.30......woops! It was such a random night though, I admit to very much enjoying company when I can just relax and not worry about things. Much as I love my girly mates I find they all too often end up talking about other people, aside from the fact I usually don't know who they're on about it makes me uncomfortable and I just don't like it. I adore the company of guys because we can talk geeky stuff, or random crap, without the social politics getting involved. Maybe I'm just naive but it makes me happier to be around a mixed group or an all guy group.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday - Thorpe Park with the Rocket Minions ~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I got home early Wednesday, my phone was ringing in my bag. I missed the call but I knew what it meant - I had about 2minutes to get changed and shove a few things in my bag before heading to meet Martyn for the lift to Thorpe. I pulled up in the carpark shortly after and thankfully my directions were good enough. We hopped in to the car, and I prayed I would still be awake to work out the maps Martyn was handing me. Luckily he had AleStorm ready on the music maker and we were soon racing down the M3 with some awesome tuneage. I only fell asleep once for about 2minutes, which was noticed because I dropped the map I was meant to be reading...woops.... We took a wrong turn off the motorway but managed to get there anyway in time to meet everyone else by the spot we parked in.

For the first half of the day I found it very difficult to pull my mind away from the things I kept dwelling on, I think it was fine though because I just dropped back when everyone was walking and let them talk amongst themselves while my brain was racing on its own stupid path. I find it easier sometimes to just pull away, and seeing as I'm not noticed a lot anyway it's fine I can just blend in to the background the way I usually do and then nobody else is brought down.

I took a few good pictures and some video too, and after lunch and a few rides I felt like I could enjoy myself a bit more. I relaxed because I came to the eventual conclusion that what I was so confused about wouldn't answer itself by my worrying over it but would clear up when I got home to find the answer.

I've decided that coasters where you hang from the rails are a heck of a lot more fun and less scary/painful then ones where you're in a car on top of the tracks. No idea why but they just don't scare me. Nemesis Inferno was one of the most fun rides I've ever been on, but Colossus was a bit nerve wracking. Stealth was painful, cracked my elbows on the restraints when we hit the upwards curve - not good! One is now sporting a medium lump with accompanying bruise. Fail.

When we finally went home I did manage to get us a teeny bit lost. The 303 was jammed with festival goers, so I just pointed in a direction and hoped for the best, all the while assuring M I knew exactly where we were and ignoring the map completely. Turned out we were going in vaguely the correct direction, so it was fine, honestly. As soon as I passed my old work we were on the right track!

I got home and basically crashed after an hour or so. The early part of Thursday was also spent unconscious I was just so shattered!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday - If in doubt, go to pub. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday was spent bored, and unhappy after receiving the answers to various questions asked and seeing it turn in to an argument. I eventually spoke to Josh on msn who was similarly bored and we decided to meet in good old Blandford for a while. Headed out after realising all I had left that wasn't in the wash was a denim skirt and a star wars tshirt, looking a bit of a mess but expecting to just hang out at his place for a bit then head out to Poole or home. Well I got to the meeting point and he said rather than going home he'd rather chill elsewhere so we ended up just wandering Blannie for a bit catching up and having a chat.

I was half expecting he'd be out a bit longer but he left after an hour or thereabouts to go and meet his girlfriend out somewhere. I was in Blandford already so decided to send a couple of messages and find out if anyone was around. Turns out I may as well have just turned up at the pub, there were already a few there and I spent the rest of the night with them. It ended badly, despite my not drinking, because as usual I said something stupid and it all went tits up. The long and short of it is I do not have a cupboard full of men. I never have had a cupboard full of men and never will. Plan when bored now though is if I have fuel just turn up at pub and await further instructions. There's usually good people there so it seems anyway :)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friday - Coming back down to earth once again ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well today has been wasted once again sleeping. I don't know how I got so tired I could never normally sleep but now I just don't want to be awake, seems like there's not much worth being awake for. I have barely any money left for fuel, which I need to get to jobcentre Monday and I have a charity day to work tomorrow which starts with being picked up at 7am. Otherwise I would have been pubbing to see Wombat, who only goes out at the weekend rather sensibly because of work.

I've been typing far too long and it's time to sleep soon so I can be up at 6 having a shower and finding something presentable to wear tomorrow. It's basically an annual reunion at Clouds House for ex patients who have recovered. For those that don't know Clouds is a charity for drug and alcohol addiction, and the house itself is in the heart of the Dorset countryside. My mum works there in admin, and for the last 5years or so I've been going back and helping out on the reunion days running 2 drinks stalls. Harder than it sounds because not only am I there early to set them both up I'm there at the end packing away and usually have to juggle around organising wherever I am because the other volunteers are just the staff from the house doing an hour or 2 each to help. It's also bloody hot when it's summer and you have 3 giant urns full of boiling water behind you and little space to move. Still, I adore doing it, and have come to recognise some of the faces coming back each year and some of them recognise me too which is nice. It's great to hear them talking to the other staff about how the house has made an incredible difference to their lives and I only hope that some day when I'm qualified I can do the same for others, albeit in a different field making a positive difference to just one person would make the crap of this life worthwhile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Final thoughts and musings... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wish I never kissed you, because, friend, now I miss you.

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